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“Curiosity is not a sin but we
should exercise caution with our curiosity, yes, indeed.”

[Albus Dumbledore.]

☄. *. ⋆

“What are we even doing here? Didn't Hermione already tell you to stay away from that Slytherin blonde boy?” Capella beamed at Y/n with an expression of confusion written all over her face.

It's already been three days since the new first years have arrived at Hogwarts, inside those three days, the Gryffindors, including the Golden trio, has already told Y/n how Hogwarts is providing a conducive environment for the students. They also told her about the teachers, the rules and regulations and more. Since this is all new for the little girl, she's just slowly getting by and learning with the assistance of her superiors, and newfound friends from Hufflepuff, Capella who also came from the family of wizards, none other than, the Diggory's and of course, with the other houses as well who's delighted by her sweet and innocent personality.

She has been attending classes remarkably well, despite the initial difficulty in adjusting. Her unwavering eagerness to learn new things is truly amusing for some.

“I just want to see that prince again, well Hermione said that he's a bully but what if they're wrong?...” Y/n answered as she turned to face Capella who's now raising her eyebrows at her, “Hermione's never wrong,” Capella sighed, “She's literally one of the respective students here for her knowledge, and Y/n I really think they're right. Even the other houses can tell that Malfoy is a jerk.”

Inside those three days too, Y/n won't stop talking about Draco Malfoy and how he flashed his smile at her. The others won't believe her when she told them, Draco Malfoy smiled at her. Even the Weasley twins burst into laughter upon hearing that silly story of hers, and some of them were even thinking that Draco might be plotting on something unkind towards the young girl, and so that is why Hermione warned her countless times to avoid the Slytherin guy, for the Golden trio has developed a fondness for Y/n due to her sweet, optimistic, and bright attitude. Her demeanor has the ability to endear her to anyone.

Perhaps, Y/n has developed a crush towards Draco.

“Well to see is to believe, right? I saw him, Capella. I saw him smiling at me, he looks so majestic and perfect!” Hearing that from Y/n, as an indication that she was giving up, Capella couldn't help but hit her own forehead because her friend is really so persistent and she knew there was nothing else she could do about it.

“You're really not gonna stop unless you see him being a total ass, won't you?” Capella asked, making the Y/n nod her head repeatedly with a smile, answering,

“Yep and even if they're right about him, what's the worse could happen? For sure he has his reasons, Capella!” She exclaimed with great enthusiasm.

“Damn, sorting hat was so wrong for putting you in Gryffindor.” Capella softly uttered under her breath, causing Y/n to chuckle at her fatigued expression.

☄. *. ⋆

“Are you sure about that? Is that what you really heard?” Draco raised an eyebrow upon hearing Crabbe and Goyle's news.

“Yes! We have found out that the new first year, Y/n Devorah has a crush on you, Malfoy! She even calls you a prince!” Crabbe answered with so much conviction in his voice.

With a smug smile, Blaise turned to Draco, “Aw, won't you look at that, Draco. It looks like you just captured a little girl's heart.” With a hint of amusement and laughter he said.

“Shut up, Blaise.” Draco rolled his eyes, “How did you exactly find out?” He asked again looking directly at Crabbe and Goyle.

“We heard her talking to her fellow Hufflepuff friend outside the common room earlier,” Goyle took a brief pause, trying to recall what they had seen and heard before continuing, “She was so eager to see you but they had to leave as soon as they were seen by Filch.”

Upon hearing that, Draco sat on his chair thinking deeply to himself. He could've sworn that by now the girl is already regretting smiling at him in the great hall because the Golden trio and the other students might've already told her about his image and bad reputation at this school, but instead, the young girl was even hoping to see him? How peculiar.

He can't help but smirk as he sees this as a new and great opportunity to seize and use against the Golden trio. The mere thought of it is making Draco feel excited and satisfied, as if he's found a new way to make them miserable.

He looked at his comrades, “Why how odd, isn't it? Luck is surely on my side this time.”

“What're you planning to do? Don't tell me you're gonna use that kid?” Blaise inquired raising one of his eyebrows,

“Well you really know me, Blaise, don't you?” Draco chuckled, “Don't worry, I'm not that petty to harm a child. I'm just gonna... play with her,” Put his hand under his chin and with a smug smile, he added, “That's all, really.”

“She wants a prince, then I'll be happy to play the part.” He added.

Blaise shook his head in amusement and said, “Whatever you say, Draco, I heard that Devorah's a nice little girl; I just hope you won't like filling that role so much.” With a smug grin, he added,

“Playing with a lion is a very dangerous thing to do, but if that's what you want, do it. Just take note that, When you play with a lion, do not put your hand in its mouth.

“Oh yeah sure, really witty. The princess must be a lion, but she must also know how to play the fox.” Draco stated with a smirk written all over his face.

Draco rose up from his chair, saying, “Get up, boys. I want to meet that kid, myself.” His words were filled with great approval by Crabbe and Goyle, who promptly complied with his request and stood up, following his lead.

Blaise, on the other hand, chuckled softly as he also rose from his designated seat to accompany Draco and the others to their destination as well, intrigued and curious how this will turn out for Draco and his plans. Nothenless he knew something's about to change, clearly not to the first year, Y/n, but to his Bestfriend, Draco himself.

Draco was never the type of person to use and manipulate someone else just for the sake of provoking the golden trio, let alone use a child as a pawn in his schemes. He would actually love to do it himself— make fun of them and insult them. However, his curiosity got the better of him this time. Perhaps he hasn't noticed it himself yet, but a part of him has been genuinely looking forward to meeting Y/n again since the moment he laid his eyes on her in the Great Hall.

He had no idea why, but the moment she waved her hand and flashed her innocent smile at him in the great hall the other day, he was inexplicably drawn to her. Draco felt terribly curious. His curiosity was piqued too much, enough for him to think of an excuse just to meet the little girl again.

Indeed, curiosity killed the cat. Well lucky for Draco he isn't one.

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