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What's comin' will come and
we'll meet it when it does.

[Rubeus Hagrid.]

☄. *. ⋆

Drifting away like the autumn leaves of another day, time flies so fast at Hogwarts. At this very moment, all the students and professors are preparing for the upcoming Triwizard Tournament. As part of the preparation, they must clean and arrange the school grounds, as it has been announced that two of the famous wizarding schools, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, will soon be arriving at Hogwarts.

The air is filled with excitement and anticipation, as everyone eagerly awaits the arrival of the guests and the start of the tournament this coming October.

“I'mma leave you here now, Y/n. Are you sure you're okay?” Capella asked with a hint of worry in her voice, looking at her friend, who was comfortably seated under the old gigantic oak tree.

“Yes! Don't worry 'bout me, Cap. You still have an extra class to catch up!” She smiled. “You don't want Professor Flitwick to give you more assignments, don't you?” Y/n replied casually in her usual enthusiastic demeanor.

Capella groaned tiredly and nodded her head before packing her things up. “Urgh... I'm so tired of having to attend those charms classes of his, and I'm not having anymore of that.”

“Alright, I'm sure your prince charming will arrive any minute from now,” Capella added as she carried her bag, ready to leave.

“There he is, I see him now!” The little girl immediately carried her things as she rushed towards Draco and his friends' direction.

“Is that my... little princess? It is, isn't it?” Draco smiles as he bends down, and gives Y/n a little hug like usual.

“Greetings little one. How was your day?” He asked her.

“I'm okay but, I have something to tell you.” She turned her gaze at Draco's friends, seeing Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle again. “Hello, Draco's friends!” She waved her hand like a little child would do.

“Hello, Draco's daughter!” Crabbe and Goyle said in union as they burst out laughing, which had made Draco's ears turn red in embarrassment.

With a hint of sarcasm, Draco exclaimed, “Haha funny, Crabbe and Goyle.” Y/n giggled at that, as the two tried to hold back their laughter.

“Hello, Y/n. Draco's talking about you, nonstop.” Blaise chuckled. “At this point, we'll really think that you're his daughter.” He said, making Crabbe and Goyle burst out laughing again.

“Very amusing, gentlemen. Very amusing.” Draco rolled his eyes at his friends as his face softened the moment he turned to look at Y/n again.

“Can you do me a favor and go play down by the lake? It's much too noisy over here. I'll be finished talking with these boys soon then I'll join you later, mhm okay?” He said giving the little girl a gentle rub on her head.

“Okay! I'll wait for you there!” Y/n replied, immediately turning her back following Draco's instructions leaving him there with his friends.

A small smile crosses his face, and he turns back to his friends, who were still laughing a little. "Right, so where were we then?"

☄. *. ⋆

“What is it you wanted to tell me earlier, princess?” Draco asked as he sat right beside her in the grassy field near the lake.
Y/n smiled nervously as she started pulling some of the grass. Draco noticed this, knowing exactly that the little girl was nervous. The warm smile that crossed his face earlier is now gone and is replaced with a look of concern.
He placed an arm around her shoulder. “Is everything okay, princess?” He asked. “You know you can talk to me.”

Y/n's smile faded as she looked up at Draco. She had been feeling anxious all day, and now that she was finally alone with him, her nerves were getting the best of her. She tried to speak, but the words caught in her throat. Draco squeezed her shoulder gently, trying to offer some comfort.

After a few moments of silence, Y/n finally found the courage to speak. “I-I failed the potions examination again,” She admitted. “I really tried this time, it's just that it's really hard...”

“I'm sorry, Draco. Please don't get mad at me for being stupid...” Tears began to swell in her eyes, as a soft sob started to escape her mouth.

He immediately wrapped his arms around Y/n and started patting her as a means of comfort, and let her cry, making a small ‘shh’ sound to soothe her.

“Don't be silly. You are many things, but stupid is not one of them. Potions is one of the most difficult subjects, and the exams only get more rigorous.” Draco smiled warmly at her, gently wiping the tears from her cheeks.

“A-aren't you even mad?... You always take your time to help me study for me to just fail...” The little girl inquired, feeling guilty as she looked at Draco in the eyes.

Draco chuckled softly, “We just need to put more effort into studying, princess. I'm sure you'll do better in time.” He paused, “Mad? Of course not, Y/n. I know you did your best, and that's already more than enough.”

“R-really? But I still failed...” The little girl countered.

“Sometimes we fail, and that's okay. That's why we keep working at it, and try again. A lot of people do but that doesn't mean we are stupid. We are not defined by our failures,” He looked at her in the eye caressing her cheeks gently.

  He smiled at her and added, “Failure is a process, not a person. That's why if you fail, it only means you're going through a process, and going through a process means you're making progress.”

Draco finds it ironic that he was actually saying the very same words he wished someone had told him when he was her age.

That funny feeling stabbing him deep in his heart, realizing that the little girl before him was a reflection of himself, the younger version of Draco Malfoy who had also been in need of guidance, recognition, and affection from his father, but had been unable to attain it. He had been deemed unworthy, failing to meet his father's expectations and failing to live up to his father's vision of him as the ‘Only heir of the Malfoy family.’

But now, as he saw himself in her, he knew that he was not alone and that he could help her in the way he wished someone had helped him.

There's no way in hell he'd let her feel the same loneliness and hopelessness he had felt when he was younger.

Draco looked at her and smiled, “So don't be too hard on yourself, okay? You're doing great, and I'm proud of you.”
The little girl looked up at him with wide eyes, taking in his words. She smiled, feeling a sense of comfort and reassurance. “Thank you, Draco... You really are a true prince.”

Draco chuckled, as he ruffled her hair, “Anything for My princess.

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