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We're all human, aren't we?
Every human life is worth the same,
and worth saving.

[Kingsley Shacklebolt.]

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Y/n and Capella have just completed their Charms classes and are currently both on their way to take a break outside the courtyard. While doing so, Capella can't help but express her dislike for Charms classes. During their class, they were assigned to practice the Levitation Charm, which Capella found challenging. However, Y/n was able to perform the charm with ease. Despite this, Y/n is feeling a bit down due to the earlier occurrence where Filch chased them out of the Slytherin's lair, not giving her any chance to see Draco again.

Capella observed the lack of energy in Y/n and thus turned towards her and said, “Come on, Y/n, are you still upset about earlier? I'm sure you'll have another chance to meet Malfoy again. Maybe not today, but some other day?” With a hint of encouragement in her voice.

Y/n looked up at Capella with her eyes glistening in hope, “You really think so, Capella?”

“Of course, dummy! It's not like he's not in the same school with us, but again, don't be disappointed if you witness him behaving in an unpleasant manner and acting like a total shithead. He's a jerk, a bully, and a mean guy. His attitude is not as good as his charming face.” Capella replied shrugging both of her shoulders giving her friend the, ‘I warned you look.

The young (h/c)-haired girl chuckled at Capella's words and replied with so much enthusiasm and optimism in her voice, “Even if he is, what's the worst that could happen, Capella? Until now I'm still wondering where all of those rumors came from.”

“What's the worst that could happen? Y/n, there's a chance that he might hurt you, and there's also a chance he could bully you like he does to some other students.” Capella paused for a moment, trying to recall who had given her this advice. “Oh, that's right. Susan Bones mentioned it to me.” She added as she mentioned the name of one of her superiors.

“Oh, and now?” Y/n asked again, turning her gaze at her friend with an innocent smile. “What do you mean now? Oh my goodness, even your superiors have informed you about the Slytherins. How come you're still so chill about them?” Capella looked at Y/n, taken aback by her unwavering positivity.

“Capella, relax, okay? I don't think they're all mean! Some of them even laughed when I tripped!” Y/N proudly replied, making her blonde bestie frown, “Well, that's because they're total shitloads, and probably they found it funny that you made a fool out of yourself.” Capella replied with her eyebrows furrowed.

“If that is indeed the reason why they laughed, then it's absolutely worth it! The fact that I was able to make them laugh is truly what matters most.” Y/n beamed at Capella with a sweet, innocent smile written all over her face.

The blonde-haired girl rolled her eyes and sighed out of frustration, “Still they're Slytherins, Y/n. They're descendants of evil witches and wizards.”

“Capella, I adore the notion that we shouldn't easily judge someone based on the house they belong to. I highly believe that the sorting hat only takes into account a few of our traits and attitudes, and it certainly doesn't define our true selves,” Y/n held Capella's hand and squeezed it gently, smiling at her friend reassuringly,

“Besides, whether Slytherins or not, each and every one of us is a student at Hogwarts, and I think that this fact alone signifies that we are all uniquely exceptional in our own way.” Y/n's words resonated within Capella's mind like a bolt of lightning.

She was aware that Y/n is correct in saying that the sorting system is in some ways unfair for assigning a student to a home based only on their individual characteristics. However, she still felt unable to put any Slytherins in her trust. She grew up despising them, but no one really knew why-only Cedric, Capella's close cousin.

Until now, Capella badly wanted to curse the sorting hat for placing Y/n in Gryffindor, even though it's clear that her demeanor embodies the admirable qualities of a Hufflepuff: kindness and empathy. Furthermore, Capella remains perplexed as to why her companion is so understanding and calm at all times. Capella finds Y/n stupid, stupid because who would actually develop a crush on someone they just met, and at all people, she'd really choose Draco Malfoy? The perfect example of evil. Despite that, she wouldn't deny that her innocence is what makes her friend someone you can always count on and someone worth protecting.

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“Ey Diggory, isn't that your cousin?” On the other side of the courtyard Cedric Diggory, Capella's cousin, can be seen surrounded by his friends.

Cedric turned his gaze at the two first years, with a smile on his face, he called out to them, “Hey Cap!”

The two young girls were both flabbergasted to hear Cedric's voice from afar. Y/n waved her hands at them like a young girl at her age would really do; however, Capella raised her middle finger in the air and mouthed, ‘Fuck off. to her cousin.

They made their way to the side of the courtyard, where Cedric and his friends were seen. “What do you need?” Capella asked Cedric with a frown written all over her face.

Cedric on the other side couldn't help but chuckle as he put a hand on his little cousin's shoulder, tapping it gently. He replied, “Just came to say hi, and oh, watch your fingers, young lady.”

Capella's jaw dropped in awe-inspiring sarcasm. “What? Dad can do it, and I can't?” Cedric playfully ruffled her hair and replied with a resounding “Absolutely.”

“Anyway, Cedric. Here's my new friend, Y/n- Y/n?” Capella's eyes widened the moment she realized her friend was no longer by her side. Just a moment ago, she was still there, and now she has disappeared into thin air.

Capella looked around and asked, “Where is she? Where did she go?”

“Uh Capella? Do you mean that girl?...”

Everyone turned to see where Hannah Abbott was pointing her fingers, and everyone was stunned to see Y/n across the courtyard, facing none other than Draco Malfoy himself, accompanied by his fellow Slytherin friends.

The young girl gazed up at Draco with her eyes shimmering in sheer admiration and delight, as if her fondest dreams had finally come true. She stood there, awestruck, as if her entire world had come to a standstill.

Draco, on the other hand, gazed down at the girl who was staring at him with an abundance of adoration. As everyone around them stopped what they were doing to observe the innocent first year and the famous Malfoy. Some of them were afraid that in the blink of an eye, Malfoy might just hurt the poor little girl, while others were just waiting for what was going to happen next.

“Shit! The Golden trio's going to kill me!” Capella exclaimed as she quickly rushed towards where her friend was.

Though Cedric was quite confused why his little cousin was acting like that, he immediately followed her, “Language, Capella!”

Everyone in the courtyard was horrified by the sight, but Y/n's eyes were only looking at Draco.

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