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You'll soon find out
that some Wizarding families
are better than others.

[Draco Malfoy.]

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24th of November, a significant event is scheduled to take place. Draco and the others are set to face a challenge that will require not only their physical strength but also their mental fortitude. This task is a test of their courage, their ability to keep calm under pressure, and their willingness to work as an individual to overcome this. The stakes are high, and the outcome of this task could impact their endeavors.

As they prepare to embark on the first task, they know that they must bring their A-game, giving it their all to prove their worth and demonstrate their capabilities. The task is not just about winning or losing; it's about pushing themselves to their limits, learning from their mistakes, and growing as individuals.

“Malfoy and Potter, the others have to come to the grounds now,” Professor McGonagall said, as her voice echoed throughout the whole Great Hall. “You have to get ready as well.”

Several weeks have passed since the incident where Draco took Y/n's slot, and now it is finally time for the first task that Draco, Harry, and the rest of the contestants must face. The excitement in the air was palpable as everyone gathered to watch the event, just as they had done in the past. As usual, the Gryffindors were out in full force, cheering for Harry, while the Slytherins were equally enthusiastic in their support for Draco.

However, despite the tense rivalry between the two houses, there was an air of anticipation and excitement among everyone, as they watched the contestants prepare for the task ahead. The first task was shrouded in mystery, and none of the contestants knew what to expect.

The little girl looked up at Draco, her eyes filled with concern. “Please be careful,” she said softly, her tiny hand gripping his tightly.

Draco couldn't help but smile as he crouched down to her level and opened his arms, “Do you mind giving me my secret weapon now, princess?” he asked, his voice gentle and warm.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, wondering what secret weapon he could possibly be referring to. “What secret weapon?” she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Draco's smile widened as he leaned in closer to her, his breath tickling her ear. “Your hugs, princess,” he whispered, his voice barely audible. “Your hugs are my source of strength.”

“Do you mind giving it to me now?” Draco asked softly. Y/n immediately nodded as she realized what Draco meant. She eagerly wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, like there's no tomorrow.

She didn't have any idea how her hugs are supposed to make Draco survive this tournament, she didn't even understand a thing, but if that's what he asked for, she's going to give it to him without any hesitation.

Draco savored the moment, as his grip tightened around her, knowing that soon he would have to face the unknown. He was never comfortable with physical touch, but with Y/n, it was different. She made him feel safe, and he knew that he needed her now more than ever.

The tournament loomed before him, a test of his physical and mental abilities. He had never been one for physical challenges, preferring instead to rely on his intellect and cunning. But for Y/n, he was willing to push himself to his limits, he would do whatever it takes to protect her, even if it meant confronting his deepest fears. The thought of her getting hurt was more than he could bear.

“Thank you, little dandelion...”

And just like that, Draco swiftly pulled away, eager to get on his feet and start getting ready for the impending task. He casually tousled Y/n's hair, soft smile playing on his lips, before finally standing up. Following closely behind was Harry, who had already said his farewells to Hermione.

Hermione with no other option but to extend her well wishes to Harry not once, but twice. She did so not only on her own behalf, but also on behalf of Ron, who's still upset about Harry participating in this tournament without his knowledge.

“Good luck, Potter,” Draco murmured out of the blue as he and Harry walked side by side, following Professor McGonagall as they made their way outside the Great Hall. Harry was surprised by this unexpected show of kindness from his rival.

Curious about Draco's motives, Harry asked, “Why did you take her slot? Aren't you supposed to hate her kind? Muggle? Gryffindor?”

Draco without any hesitation, smiled. “That's the thing, Potter. I hate her kind, but I never said a thing about hating her,” he answered. “There's a difference, you know?”

Harry was taken aback by Draco's words but couldn't help but agree. He realized that even though they may have come from different worlds and had their fair share of conflicts, they were not so different after all. They may consider each other mortal enemies or rivals, they say, however. They both want one thing, and that is to keep Y/n safe.

Although he's still not used to it— with Draco being genuine to a Gryffindor student or to someone to be exact. Harry trusted Draco to keep the little girl safe.

This trust was not unfounded. After all, Draco had proven his care for Y/n by entering the chamber of the champions, something that was strictly prohibited for students who were not chosen to compete for the Triwizard Tournament. What's more, he had done so without his wand, exposing himself to great danger. It was clear that he was willing to face any obstacle, even the disapproval of teachers, just to protect the girl.

As they reached the forest where the preparation room was settled, Draco was about to enter the tent as well when he saw him. His heart sank as he recognized the same features he had seen in his nightmares. The exact face he would not be able to forget even if he went blind, for his face is already carved in Draco's head.

The last person Draco Malfoy would want to see at this moment is walking towards him.

In that one moment, he already knew he was close to reaching the borders of the land even more, and not even his prayers could save him this time.

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