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“You are protected, in short,
by your ability to love.”

[Albus Dumbledore.]

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“Draco! Draco! Draco!” With a wand in her hand, Y/n immediately ran towards the courtyard, where Draco was seated near the trees with his friends.
A smile immediately showed up on his face as he approached and leaned down at the little girl's level. He looked at her (e/c) eyes, he then exclaimed, “Back too soon, little Y/n?”

As soon as she approached him, Draco's friends quickly walked away, giving the two some privacy. They sat on the other side of the courtyard, still watching the scene unfold.

“Look, Draco! I got my wand now! Look!” The young girl happily exclaimed as she even jumped expressing how enthusiastic and excited she was.

“That's great, Y/n. With your wand, you can now cast spells and potions just like a true witch. You can even learn new spells and charms.” He replied as a soft chuckle escaped his mouth.

Until now, it's been a big surprise to everyone how Draco treats Y/n differently.
Previously, he was known for his bullying nature, and particularly his hatred and disgust towards Gryffindors and Muggle-borns. However, his demeanor towards Y/n has been quite different. He treats her with an unprecedented level of gentleness, serenity, kindness, and affection that contradicts his previous behavior.

Draco's friends, particularly those in Slytherin, have expressed their thoughts about his behavior towards Y/n. They believe that he is merely putting on a show and pretending to be kind to the little girl, secretly plotting on something evil to hurt her or to destroy the Golden trio.

What they didn't know is that, Draco already disregarded his old plans and he's genuine about wanting to get to know the child more.

“What kind of spells can I learn, Draco?” Y/n asked him, her eyes widening with excitement.

“Well, there are different kinds of spells that you can learn in Hogwarts,” He replied, ruffling the little girl's hair.

“There are spells for healing wounds, spells for turning objects into animals, and spells for creating illusions. There are also spells for protecting yourself from harm and spells for defeating enemies.” He added.

Upon hearing that, Y/n's eyes sparkled with wonder and curiosity. She then exclaimed, “Wow, that's amazing! I can't wait to learn all those spells!”

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