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“It is not our abilities that
shows what we truly are. It is
our choices.”

[Albus Dumbledore.]

☄. *. ⋆

Upon arriving at the courtyard, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Capella were taken aback to see Cedric standing there with his Hufflepuff companions. They were all gathered in front of Cormac and his allies, who were still visibly shaken after earlier occurrences.

Cedric's cold, stern voice cut through the tension, “Do not think for a moment that just because we are Hufflepuffs, we are incapable of reacting in a barbaric manner. We stand for hard work and loyalty, not kindness.”

He locked eyes with Cormac and his allies, his gaze unwavering. “Let this be a warning to you; lay a finger on my cousin or her friend again and you will have serious problems.” With those words, Cedric ended the stand-off and the group stood up and ran off in fear.

Capella and the Golden Trio stand all amazed; who could've thought that a Hufflepuff could show not only kindness but bravery too? Cedric was not wrong, though; Hufflepuffs are loyal and hard-working— they were not scripted as sunshine and rainbows type of people; however, it is truly remarkable how they chose to act that way and show kindness in any way and manner as possible.

“Cedric!” Capella called out to her cousin as they ran towards him. Instantly,  he looked at her cousin as a smile showed up on his face as if nothing had happened.
“Hey there, Cap. Sorry for being late; I was doing potions earlier when I heard that you and your friend ran into those jerks,” Cedric said as he ruffled Capella's hair.
“It's fine. T-thank you, anyway.” Capella looked away, feeling embarrassed after saying those words. This time, Capella didn't even shove his hands away. She was actually relieved that her cousin came to defend her and Y/n— Speaking of Y/n, where is she anyway?

“Bloody hell! That was wicked, Diggory!” Ron exclaimed, still extremely bewildered after seeing how Cedric reacted earlier. Cedric chuckled at Ron's comment, giving him a small nod.
“Where's Y/n? What happened?” Harry immediately asked, worried that something might've happened to the little girl. “Where is she? Did Malfoy hurt her?” Hermione also asked, feeling concerned after Capella already told them what Cormac had said earlier, and they were all furious. They knew that Malfoy was up to his old tricks again and was planning to use Y/n to destroy the Golden trio. They began to brainstorm ways to protect Y/n and prevent Malfoy from carrying out his evil plans.

However, the four of them were shocked after hearing what Cedric replied, “Malfoy? Oh no, he actually came earlier than we did. Thanks to him, Y/n was safe and I didn't have to use violence.”
“What do you mean by that?” Harry asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“I meant, Malfoy came rushing towards those four jerks with only his wand to defend Y/n and afterwards, he carried her in his arms trying to calm the little girl down and left with her.” Cedric smiled. “At first, it was hard to believe that Malfoy is actually capable of doing such heroic things, but who knows?”
“Wait, are we talking about the same Malfoy? As in the arrogant Slytherin selfish bully?” Hermione said, trying to make sense of what Cedric was saying.
“Yes, we're talking about the same Draco Malfoy.”

☄. *. ⋆

“Does it still hurt, little dandelion, hmm?” Draco asked as he looked at Y/n, who was seated at the windy astronomy tower in front of her.
The little girl smiled happily as she shook her head with the same enthusiasm she always wore in front of Draco, replying, “No! I'm okay now, Draco!”

Draco took a sigh of relief as he looked her in the eye. He felt relief and guilt at the same time because he was able to protect and save her from Cormac and his stupid friends, but guilt because Y/n was put in that situation because of him. He thought about how he could have handled the situation differently, or how he could have prevented it entirely.

Draco ruffled her soft hair, staring at her (e/c) dazzling eyes not wanting to miss a single glimpse of her.

“Y/n,” Draco called out her name, “Do you, Uh... Do you believe them? About what they said about me earlier?” He asked anxiously, stammering. Fearing that if he asked, the girl would say yes and stop wanting to be with his company.

The little girl confidently shook her head as an answer again, “No!” She smiled.
Draco was taken aback as he looked at her. His eyes sparkled with newfound hope and bewilderment. He couldn’t help but think that this girl was really weird. Cormac and his friends spat nothing, but the truth about him at the beginning that he only wanted to use her, and yet here she was, still trusting him with all her might.

He felt guilty for not being honest with her. He decided that he would come clean and tell her everything. He wanted her to know that he valued her friendship and that he was sorry for not being truthful before, however he wanted to know why her answer was ‘No.’
“Why?” He asked, feeling anxious.

“It's because it never came from your own mouth,” She answered, “I believe you.” taking all of the worries in his heart away.

Draco cleared his throat and looked at the little girl with a serious expression. “Y/n, there’s something I need to tell you,” he started. “They were actually right; at first, I only approached you to play the role of the fool to fool you.”

“However, by doing so, I didn't expect to get lost in your wonderland and to love playing the role of someone who will protect you.” He looked at her in the eyes and said, “Forgive me, little one. For misjudging your kindness to foolishness.” Draco looked down at his feet and knew that this was it. This is the last time Y/n will approach her.

“I'm everything they said I would be.” He added.

“Okay! I forgive you!” Draco's eyes widened in surprise hearing that from the little girl.
“What? You do?” He asked, still petrified, to which Y/n immediately answered, “I do! What matters is that you apologized and admit you were wrong!” With a hint of enthusiasm in her voice.
Y/n beamed happily, “You know, Draco, when Father was still alive, I remember him saying that when a person knows how to ask for forgiveness for their mistakes, it only means that they're a good person for doing so, and they deserve forgiveness that's why I forgive you, Draco.”

“Aren't you even mad at me?” He asked once again, his icy-blue eyes staring at hers.

“Is there a reason for me to?” She giggled innocently, “No, I can never get mad at you!”

Draco's mind drifted back to all the times he'd been judged and belittled by his peers. He'd grown used to the idea that no one would ever understand him, that he was destined to be alone and hated, but Y/n had shattered that belief with a few simple words, and in doing so, had given him a glimmer of hope for the future.

Draco's eyes softened, and he looked at Y/n with a newfound appreciation. “Thank you, Y/n.” He said, pulling her into his warm embrace.
Draco realized that he still had a lot of work to do to become the kind of person that Y/n saw in him. He knew that he was far from perfect and that he had many weaknesses that he needed to overcome. However, he was determined to give it his all and become the best version of himself. He wanted to be someone who Y/n could be proud of and who could support her in return.

That's when the brotherly love he felt for her actually started; that's where it all really began.

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