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Time is making fools of us again.”

[Albus Dumbledore.]

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Meanwhile, in the midst of the bustling crowd, Crabbe and Goyle were exerting their utmost effort to locate the little girl who had seemingly disappeared amongst the sea of people. The pair were fraught with worry, terrorized by the thought that the innocent child might stumble onto something she shouldn't see. This was a minor hiccup that had unexpectedly surfaced before the commencement of the ball, a situation that the group comprising Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise had already planned for. However, it seems that the plan is not going exactly the way they wanted to. 

Before the actual ball, Draco was called into Professor Snape's chambers and was forced to take Pansy Parkinson as his date to this year's ball. Draco tried to tell the potion's master that he already had a date for that day, but to no avail, The professor sternly reminded Draco that bringing Y/n as his date to the ball would undoubtedly incite the wrath of his own father, Lucius Malfoy, an outcome that was best avoided. Their main goal was to ensure Draco attended the ball and danced at least once with Pansy for some proof that he did actually attend the ball with another Slytherin, who was also from a pure-blooded family. He did, and in fact, he's dancing with her right now, anxiously looking around because he wants to be anywhere but here.

“Are you okay, Dray?” Pansy asked softly with a smile on her face, clearly reveling in the festive atmosphere of the party. It was a joyous occasion for her, as she finally had the opportunity to dance with the man she had admired since their first year at Hogwarts.

Draco turned his gaze towards Pansy and managed a faint smile. “Yeah, I'm just lost in thought,” he replied, his mind preoccupied with worries. It wasn't that Draco didn't enjoy Pansy's company; in fact, she had been one of his closest friends since their very first days at Hogwarts. However, his concern for Y/n consumed his thoughts at the moment, overshadowing the present moment.

He had promised Y/n to take her to the ball, but now he was dancing with his friend, Pansy Parkinson.

“Where could she possibly be? If we don't find her soon, Draco's going to fry us alive!” Crabbe exclaimed with an air of dramatic desperation, his eyes frantically scanning the mass of people in a frenzied attempt to locate Y/n.

Goyle, also overwhelmed by the situation, darted his gaze around the room in nervous anticipation. Suddenly, his eyes caught sight of her, “Crabbe, there she is!” He pointed out hurriedly.

The two of them turned to look in the direction Goyle was pointing, their hearts pounding in their chests. A wave of relief washed over them, albeit momentarily, as they realized that the little girl had already seen Draco. He was dancing with Pansy, their hands intertwined in a delicate dance. Suddenly, the gravity of their situation hit them. 

“Shit! We're doomed!” they exclaimed in unison.

☄. *. ⋆

The little girl's eyes watered as she stared at the sight before her; Draco, was dancing with a woman of entrancing beauty- Pansy Parkinson, a vision in a sea of dancers. Her hair, as dark as the velvety night sky, cascaded down her back, contrasting starkly with her skin, which was as pale and flawless as untouched snow. Her eyes, full of unmistakable affection, were locked on Draco, and there was no denying the love that shone in their depths.

As Y/n observed this scene, she could physically feel her heart shattering into a thousand tiny pieces.

“Y/n?” It didn't take so long for Draco to notice her. His eyes widened seeing tears uncontrollably falling from the little girl's eyes.

She took a step back, as if the physical distance could ease the emotional turmoil clawing at her insides. The emotions welling up inside her were overwhelming, a maelstrom of heartache, jealousy, and longing. She couldn't explain what she was feeling. Quite too much, for someone too young.

“I hate you, Draco! You're bad!” With those harsh words, the little girl abruptly removed herself from the scene. Her dress, which was a touch too long for her small stature, billowed out behind her as she ran. She had to clutch at the hem of it to prevent herself from tripping over the intricate material. The crowd that had gathered was too engrossed in their own activities to pay any attention to the unfolding drama.

“Wait, Y/n! Please, wait!” Draco's voice echoed out.

Without a moment's hesitation, Draco released his firm grip on Pansy's delicate hand. Her eyes followed Draco's retreating figure as he dashed through the sea of people, his sole focus on the receding silhouette of Y/n disappearing into the distance.

“Pansy,” Blaise immediately came, but was only greeted by Pansy's astonished demeanor.

Draco left Pansy without uttering a single word of explanation, a silent goodbye that echoed louder than any spoken words. The crowded ballroom, once filled with laughter and the soft hum of chatter, suddenly felt incredibly vast and lonely. Pansy was left standing there alone, a solitary figure amidst the swirling colors and music. The once comforting murmur of the crowd now seemed to fade into a distant echo, leaving her with only her thoughts for company

She found herself questioning how everything had changed so suddenly. Was it possible that she had just lost the love of her life to a child? Or was the more painful truth that Draco had never truly been hers to begin with?

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