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How many monsters d'you
think this place can hold?

[Ronald Weasley.]

☄. *. ⋆

Everyone is gathered in the Great hall right now, still laughing from the earlier incident in which the Goblet of Fire hurled the Weasley twins out of the golden circle as if they had been thrown by an invisible shot-putter after attempting to put their names in the cup but failing due to the age line Dumbledore drew himself.

The two landed painfully, ten feet away from the cup, and to add as punishment, both of them sprouted identical long white beards.

Fred and George set off for the hospital wing, accompanied by Lee, who was howling with laughter.

The statement of the Great Hall altered this morning because it was Halloween. A swarm of raucous bats flitted across the charmed ceiling, while hundreds of carved pumpkins snarled from every nook and cranny. Y/n and the Golden trio made their way over to Dean and Seamus, who were talking about which Hogwarts students might participate in the tournament.

“There's a rumor going around that Warrington got up early and put his name in,” Dean told them. “That arrogant Slytherin lad who looks like a sloth.”

Y/n continued to eat her breakfast, savoring the delicious taste of the pancakes and maple syrup. She listened closely to their conversation, observing the body language of her older peers and trying to decipher the meaning behind their whispered words. Despite being younger than them, she was determined to prove herself as an equal, not allowing their age to limit her understanding of their unkind words towards the students at the other houses.

Draco's a Slytherin too, and somehow their words didn't sit well for Y/n.

As someone who cared deeply for one of the members of the house, she felt insulted by the insults being thrown around. It was not just a matter of defending Draco, but also a matter of standing up for what is right. Y/n knew that there was more to Slytherin than just the negative stereotypes perpetuated by their peers. She wished others could see that too, and that they would stop painting all Slytherins with the same brush.

Harry, who once used to play quidditch against Warrington, shook his head in disbelief. “We can't have a champion from Slytherin!”

“But why not?” Y/n asked with genuine curiosity. “Slytherins aren't actually bad, they're actually cool and kind!” With a hint of enthusiasm and hope, she defended them.

The other students at the table glanced at each other, unsure of how to respond to Y/n's defense of Slytherin house. Noticing the confusion, Hermione gently patted the little girl's head and said, “Oh Y/n, this is a topic you shouldn't interfere with. Just eat, alright?”

Y/n fell silent as she wondered why they would say such things, and if they themselves were simply projecting their own insecurities onto others. As she pondered this, she couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness and empathy towards the targets of their cruel remarks.

“And all the Hufflepuffs are talking about Diggory,” said Seamus contemptuously. “To think that he'd actually risk his good looks.”

“What's wrong with Capella's cousin joining the tournament? I think he's really capable of doing so...” The little girl murmur under her breath.

“Guys, listen!” Hermione suddenly exclaimed.

The entrance hall was filled with ecstatic cheering and clapping as they all swiveled their chairs to see Angelina Johnson coming into the hall, grinning in a sort of embarrassed demeanor. A tall beautiful black girl who's the chaser of the Gryffindor quidditch team, Angelina walked towards them, sat down and, said, “I've done it, just put my name in!”

“You're joking, right?” said Ron, looking so impressed and surprised at the same time.

Harry suddenly asked, “Does that mean you're already Seventeen?” which Angelina immediately answered with, “I had my birthday last week.”

“I'm glad someone from our house is entering,” Hermione exclaimed. “I hope you get in, Angelina!”

“Thanks, Hermione,” replied Angelina, smiling at them.

“Yeah, better than that Pretty-Boy Diggory!” Seamus exclaimed, which the Hufflepuffs heard, causing them to scowl and glare at them.

Y/n was about to counter Seamus' remarks but was cut off when the Golden trio immediately stood up after just finishing their breakfast. “We're going to visit Hagrid, do you wanna come, Y/n?” Harry asked the little girl, who just shook her head and replied, “Oh no, I'll be hanging out with Capella!” She smiled. “Tell Hagrid I said hi” She added before watching them leave the table.

After they left, Y/n immediately sighed. She felt a little bit off about what her older peers were just talking about moments ago. She didn't like how the Gryffindor house stands for bravery and courage, and yet they were being cowardly for talking about someone behind their backs.

She believed that talking about someone behind their backs is not brave at all. In fact, it is quite the opposite.

If the Gryffindors cannot act with bravery and courage, then how can they expect others to do so?

Isn't it a shame that people only see how others act and fail to recognize that they, too, can act like a savage at times?

She also thought about the other houses. She believed that the Slytherins are often seen as bullies, but if the Gryffindors act in the same way, then they are no better. The Ravenclaws are also often seen as weird, but if the Gryffindors act cowardly, then they are no better.

Lastly, Y/n thought about what it means to be chivalrous. She believed that chivalry means being respectful, brave, and courteous. She thought that talking behind someone's back is not respectful, brave, or courteous. Instead, she would rather choose to act as a loyal Hufflepuff who values loyalty, patience, and fairness.

Truth to be told, in this world, there's no such thing as good or evil, there can only be a different perspective to those who are viewing the story.

Hogwarts was supposed to be the safest place for all kinds of Witches, wizards, and even Muggles, but is it really? Is it really the safest place for everyone where, in fact, they normalize judging one another without even getting to know each other?
You can't create a monster, then whine when it stomps on a few buildings.

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