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“We must follow the rules, and
the rules clearly stated that
those people whose names come
out of the Goblet of Fire are bound
to compete in the tournament.”

[Barty Crouch.]

☄. *. ⋆

Dumbledore's eyes are now fixed upon Y/n. “Did you ask an older student to put it in for you?” He asked, his voice gentle but insistent.

Y/n shook her head, tears streaming down her face. She had always been afraid of disappointing authority figures, especially Dumbledore, whom she admired greatly. The tension in the chamber only grew as the staff members argued and debated about this new problem. They all knew that they needed to act quickly to resolve the situation and prevent any further harm.

The adults were too busy arguing and talking about what they should do that they didn't notice that Y/n was already crying her eyes out. Fleur noticed the distressed little girl immediately and approached her, offering her a comforting embrace. Y/n buried her face in Fleur's arms and sobbed, feeling overwhelmed by fear and pressure.

Fleur tried her best to console Y/n, speaking in a soft, soothing voice. “Hush, hush. Zis lit 'tle child.” she said. Krum and Cedric, who were watching the scene, seemed to feel sorry for Y/n and her situation. Cedric, in particular, was uncomfortable with where the situation was heading and wished he could do more to help. Y/n is his younger cousin's best friend after all and he's already treated her an equal for the Hufflepuffs too.

Madame Maxime looked at them, almost crying it out, “Ah, but of course 'e is lying!” not believing Harry's honest answers. “Zis is an outrage! We will not stand for zis!”

“They could have not cross the age line!” Professor McGonagall said, trying to defend the two. “We can all agree to that—”

“Dumbly-dorr must 'ave made a mistake wiz ze line,” Madame Maxime countered, struggling.

Dumbledore nodded his head politely, “That's possible, of course.”

“Albus! You know perfectly well you did not make a mistake!” Professor McGonagall said angrily.

“What nonsense! I know Harry and Y/n too well, these children could've not crossed the line themselves, and Albus and I both believe that they would not ask their elders to put their names here! I didn't raise them to be unfair, I taught them how to play fairly and nicely!” Professor McGonagall added, protecting the two students for life as if she was protecting her own children.

“Mr. Crouch, Mr. Bagman. What can you say about this matter? We will entrust this matters in your hands.” Karkaroff said, looking at Barty Crouch and Ludo Bagman.

“We must follow the rules, and the rules clearly stated that those people whose names come out of the Goblet of Fire are bound to compete in the tournament.” Crouch answered in his usual curt voice.

“No one knows the rules more than Barty does.” Bagman beamed towards Madame Maxime and Professor Karkaroff in an excited manner, as though as the matters was now closed.

“Durmstrangs will no longer be competing.” Professor Karkaroff  exclaimed, making a threat against Hogwarts, the atmosphere in the room turned tense and uncomfortable. Suddenly, the door creaked open and in walked the infamous Moody, whose presence immediately commanded attention.

“Empty threat, Karkaroff.” Karkaroff glared at Moody when he said those words, but the latter remained unfazed.

“I'm afraid I cannot understand you, Moody.” Karkaroff replied looking at Mad-eye in a seething manner.

“It's very simple, Karkaroff. Someone put Potter's and this little girl's name in the goblet knowing they had to compete if it came out.” Moody said as he walked towards them, examining Harry Potter. He still hasn't saw Y/n's face at this point because the little girl's face was still buried at Fleur's embrace.

“Evidently, someone 'oo wished to give 'Ogwarts three chances at ze tournament!” Madame Maxime exclaimed. However, Professor McGonagall's expression turned sour as she did not appreciate the accusations that Hogwarts would cheat to win.

“Everyone will compete including this,” Moody paused trying to get a better view of Y/n who's face remained hidden to him. “First year.”

“But she's just a child!” Cedric said loosening his manners now as they were all concerned for the little girl.

Even Viktor step forward and uttered, “Look at her small frame, do all of you seriously think that she can handle such dangerous tasks?” With a hint of annoyance written all over his face.

“Let her stay out of this, Professor.” Harry added as the three men covered the little girl who was hugged by Fleur.

“I'm afraid to say, but rules are rules.” Dumbledore said, looking at the five students before their eyes.

Professor McGonagall with Madame Maxime and Professor Karkaroff all sighed in disbelief, as Ludo and Moody were grinning in excitement.

As Y/n listened, every word seemed to tighten her grip on Fleur. Fear coursed through her veins as memories of her promise to Draco came flooding back. She had made a promise to him that she would never join the Triwizard tournament, as it was far too dangerous for her to do so. Not only that, but she knew that Draco would not approve, either.

What Y/n feared most was not the unknown, but rather the possibility of breaking her solemn promise to Draco. The thought that she might hurt the only person who truly understood her filled her with dread. She was afraid that he would no longer see her in the same light and that she might lose him forever. These thoughts swirled around in her mind, making her feel more and more anxious with each passing moment.

“No, she's not competing!”

All eyes turned towards the door of the chamber as it opened wide before their very eyes, hearing none other than one of the Slytherin students, Draco Malfoy himself, swallowing his pride and eating up his own dignity just to stop this mess Y/n is in.

Y/n called, Draco came.

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