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Once again, you show all
the sensitivity of a blunt axe.

[Nearly Headless Nick.]

☄. *. ⋆

“So... What could a young girl like you possibly be doing here?” Draco crouched down to meet the young girl's gaze. Her eyes sparkled with joy and eagerness, as they always did. He took in her small frame and delicate features, admiring the innocence and purity that radiated from her.

After the occurrence yesterday, Draco was left feeling uneasy. He couldn't shake the feeling that Y/n, a little girl, would become distant from him. He wouldn't blame her- after all, the holy golden trio had begged her to stay away from him. To his surprise, however, Y/n didn't seem to be affected by their pleas. In fact, she acted as if nothing had changed and approached him with the same eagerness she always wore. Draco found this rather perplexing. He had always assumed that Y/n would be easily swayed by the opinions of others, just like the little kid she is, but surprisingly, she had the courage to approach him in the hallway, despite the potential consequences of her actions. Luckily, they were left alone.

Draco couldn't help but be intrigued by this young girl's behavior. He wondered what other surprises she might have in store for him. Perhaps she was not as predictable as he had initially thought. Regardless, Draco knew that he would have to tread carefully around Y/n, as he didn't want to jeopardize whatever strange connections he had with her.

“I wanted to see you again!” Y/n exclaimed happily slightly tugging the ends of Draco's robes.

Upon hearing the little girl's words, Draco couldn't help but chuckle, he replied, “Is that so? Does little Y/n need something from me?”

The little girl hesitated for a moment, her small hands fidgeting as she tried to find the courage to speak. “I- I just wanted to give you this.”

Finally, she revealed the white roses she had picked from the forest nearby, carefully holding them out to him. Draco's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the sight of the delicate blooms, their fragrance filling the air around them.

As he reached out to take the flowers from her, his gaze fell on the small cuts on her hands. It was clear that she had been pricked by some thorns while picking the roses for him. His heart swelled with warmth at the sight of her dedication.

“What happened to your hands?” He gently took her hands in his and examined the cuts, making sure they weren't too deep. It wasn't really like him to care if a Gryffindor kid like Y/n would get hurt; however, for some unknown reason, he felt a sense of protectiveness and worry wash over him from that moment on.

It's as if he is not the usual Draco he is.

“The thorns were very mean, so I couldn't get a single rose without getting cut.” Y/n replied innocently.

Draco couldn't help but smile at her innocence. He found it amusing how she saw the world through such a pure and untainted lens.

“Alright, c'mere and let's get those small hands treated,” he said, reaching into his robes to retrieve his wand. As he pointed it at Y/n's hands, he thought about how he had learned this spell from the books he's always reading.

Episkey! He said, and a warm, tingling sensation washed over Y/n's hands. The cuts started to disappear into thin air, but Draco continued to hold onto her hands for a few moments longer, just to make sure they were fully healed.

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