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Of course it is happening inside
your head, but why on earth
should that mean it is not real?

[Albus Dumbledore.]

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Upon the arrival of the Hogwarts Express, Y/n's (e/c) eyes gleamed with awe and excitement as she realized she had finally arrived at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was already midnight but she can see it clearly because of the lights that's scattered all around the way.

Observing her fellow students exiting the train in their already-donned uniforms and robes, Y/n waited until they had all disembarked before finally rising from her seat and attempting to carefully navigate the aisle. Her robes were a bit larger and longer than her size, posed a significant challenge as she made her way down the train car, straining to avoid tripping on the fabric.

“Come on now, first years! This way!” A loud voice echoed through the way as the little girl gaze on the direction where it was coming from. Her eyes widened with so much surprise and delight seeing a Gigantic-hairy man standing and guiding all of the students on where they should go.

She came to a halt in her tracks, her mouth open in astonishment, to look at the man.

The hairy man noticed the little girl staring at him and gave her a friendly smile. “Hello there, little one! Is there a problem?” He asked kindly.

The girl shook her head, still staring at him in wonder. “No, sir. I'm just amazed by how big and hairy you are,” She exclaimed, giggling.

The man chuckled. “Well, I am a half-giant, you see. My name's Hagrid, and I'm here to help guide you first years to your dormitories. Come along now, we don't want to keep the others waiting,” he said, gesturing for the little girl to follow him.

Excitedly, Y/n fell in line with the other first years and followed the giant man, her eyes still wide with wonder.

Her heart was filled with excitement as she eagerly joined the line of first-year students, following the towering figure of Hagrid. Her eyes were wide with wonder, brimming with anticipation for the magical creatures and wonders that awaited her at Hogwarts.

As they made their way towards the castle, Hagrid turned to Y/n and asked, “What might your name be, little one?”

With a beaming smile, Y/n replied, “My name is Y/n Devorah, sir.” The sheer joy and amazement in her voice was palpable, and it was clear that she was thoroughly enjoying every moment of her journey to Hogwarts.

“Y/n? What an intriguing name, I felt like I heard of it before, I wonder...” Hagrid exclaimed to himself, feeling quite curious upon hearing it. He felt a sense of familiarity as if he had heard of it before. It was quite peculiar, the only problem is that he can't remember when or where, albeit not with the same surname that Y/n had provided.

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Y/n sat attentively on the small boat with the other fellow students, eagerly anticipating its departure. Moments later, the boat began to glide across the water's surface. As it was a foggy night, she could only discern the faint outlines of her classmates, illuminated by the small lamps each held.

Upon hearing one of the students exclaim, “Look, guys! It's a castle!” Y/n promptly turned her gaze towards the direction in which they were all looking. Her eyes were filled with immense joy and excitement as the castle came into view, and the fog dissipated from sight as they drew nearer. It is truly a pleasure to witness such a magnificent sight.

She can't believe it! She's really looking at a castle, a huge castle. Growing up, Y/n could only see a castle at her favorite storybooks not knowing if it really does exist or not, and if even if it did exist she never really thought that she'd be able to see one, one day. But now, here she is, gazing upon its grandeur.

“It's Hogwarts!”

“We're at Hogwarts!”

Some of the students exclaimed as everyone got so excited to climbed off the boat the moment they have reached the shore of the castle.

The moment the students have disembarked from the boat and set foot on the castle's shore, they could not contain their excitement and joy.

Y/n on the other side was still awe-struck as she slowly set her foot at the land. “It is a castle! It is!” She jumped off of her feet happily not minding if anyone can see her right now. After all, she's just a kid; a kid who wanted to see the world from another point of view, to another level where she could explore and experience a lot of new things she hadn't got to do as a child.

“Is this really happening? Hagrid! Hagrid! Look at that magnificent castle!” The little girl dashed towards Hagrid, tugging at his sleeve in excitement and joy.

“Of course it is happening, Y/n! Welcome home.” The gigantic man smiled looking down at the little girl who was in awe of the grandeur of Hogwarts.

Y/n let out a joyful shriek, her face lighting up with a broad grin. "This is incredible! I can't believe it! I can't believe it! I can't believe it!" She exclaimed, overwhelmed with delight at the sight before her.

“Why not, Y/n? Yer a witch!” Hagrid smiled, “A very special witch, little one!” He added making the child curious as they made their way at the castle.

She's a witch? Y/n have always thought that witches are bad; that they lure children by the use of candies and then afterwards eat them alive because that's how the storybooks and movies painted them out to be. That once you're a witch, already means you have the blood of an evil woman. She has always been terrified of them, thinking that those witches might burn them alive too,

So she asked, “But aren't witches are evil? They kill babies and eat them, Hagrid.” Y/n cluelessly replied making Hagrid smile and laugh at the thought of that.

“No Y/n, witches and wizards aren't evil. That's just how the books and movies portrayed them in the muggle world,” Hagrid replied, “Thus if you gave this wizarding world a chance and you might find out what magic really is all about.”

The ancient and large door of the castle of Hogwarts opened making everyone stop and stare at how beautiful it was.

From that very overwhelming and exciting moment, Y/n knew once she took a step inside that large halls. Her life will completely change and be involved in this world full of magic and mysteries.

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