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“Next time there's a ball
pluck up all the courage to ask me before someone else does!”

[Hermione Granger.]

☄. *. ⋆

The room was filled with a deafening silence as everyone's heart broke hearing the little girl's words. They were surprised by the realization that she thought she had to do something extraordinary to earn love and care from others. It was a big moment of realization for both Crabbe and Goyle, who were spoiled growing up, that they even tear up hearing that. They realized that not everyone was as fortunate as they were, and that some people had to work hard for even the smallest things in life.

Only Henrick, who was busy sleeping earlier, had the courage to break the silence and answer her, “You're coming to the ball. You've earned it,” he said as he immediately slumped his head back down on the table again.

Y/n's eyes widened in surprise as she heard the news, and she turned to look at Crabbe and Goyle for reassurance. The two of them quickly wiped away their tears, pretending that they weren't touched or affected at all by what she had said earlier. They both smiled and nodded enthusiastically.

“That's right, Y/n,” Goyle said, beaming with pride.

Alycone squealed and screamed, saying, “I knew it, I knew it!” with a hint of happiness in her voice. “I told you so, Capella! I'm not Delulu! Y/n is going to the Yule Ball with Draco!”
“Oh, shut up, Davies!” Capella retorted, rolling her eyes at her friend, who just stuck her tongue out. However deep inside, Capella's just as relieved as Alycone.

“You're coming to the Yule Ball and Draco's going to be your date! Isn't that amazing?—”

Before Goyle could even finish his words, Y/n rushed over them and hugged both Crabbe and Goyle which they immediately reciprocated.

She was thrilled to hear the news and happily exclaimed, “Thank you! Thank you!” Y/n couldn't help but smile at the girl's enthusiasm and excitement.

However, on the side, Evrin just clenched his fist, looking away. It was obvious; he had a thing for Y/n. He had admired her ever since the first day he saw her at the Great Hall. Her sweet smile could light up the whole room. Her sweet attitude and, oh, how he adored the way she was not quick to judge the others

As he stood there, silently sighing, he wished he had asked Y/n to the Yule Ball earlier. Being a first-year, he was unsure about the protocol for the ball, but luckily, his big sisters Padma and Parvati had informed him that he could attend the ball and bring a date if he liked. Unfortunately, it seemed impossible now because Y/n was already going with Draco. He couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy and disappointment.

In spite of his profound disappointment, Evrin found himself unable to divert his gaze from the captivating figure of Y/n. His eyes remained fixed upon her as she gracefully embraced Crabbe and Goyle, expressing her heartfelt gratitude for their invaluable assistance in providing her with information about Draco.

The radiant smile that adorned her countenance illuminated the entire room, casting a warm and inviting glow upon all those present.

Evrin's face soon turned into a genuine smile. He understood that even if he couldn't be her date for the ball, there would be another time for them, and that moment wasn't now, so he'd have to wait, and Merlin knows he was more than willing to.

☄. *. ⋆

“Why didn't you do it?” asked Henrick, his voice filled with curiosity, as they sat together in the peaceful courtyard surrounded by snow.

“Do what?” asked by Evrin.

“Pluck up your courage and ask her.” Henrick countered.

“I can't.” Evrin answered.

“Why is that?” Henrick asked once more.

Evrin took a brief pause, his gaze drifting towards the sunset, before providing a heartfelt response that left Henrick momentarily speechless.

With a hint of sadness in the young man's voice, he replied, “Because even if I gave her the whole universe, it would be pointless if her eyes were only aiming for that one constellation in the sky.”

“What's your plan then?” he questioned once more. Henrick's eyes remained closed as he lay in the snow, letting the serene moment go on and feeling the icy touch of the December breeze against his skin.

“To let it be,” Evrin chuckled softly, a wistful expression on his face, “So I can continue to see her beautiful smile, even if that smile was never meant for me.” he answered, his heart filled with bittersweet longing.

With a playful gleam in the young man's eyes, he scooped up a handful of fluffy snow and playfully tossed it towards the nearest tree, watching as it landed with a soft thud, a physical manifestation of his unspoken emotions.

Henrick can only stay quiet, letting his friend have his moment of silence so he can focus. He actually finds it funny, fascinating even, that in this vast and complex world, true love can be discovered and truly felt by the innocent hearts of children. It is a remarkable phenomenon that often goes unnoticed or is belittled by the older generation, who dismiss the profound emotions of the young simply because they lack the years of experience and understanding.

In this world, the purity of love emanates from the untainted souls of children. It is a bittersweet reality that as they grow older, this pristine love is often overshadowed and tainted by the burdens of grief and pain that life bestows upon them.

It is truly ridiculous how children are more capable when it comes to loving a person than a grown man can.

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