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It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.

[Albus Dumbledore.]

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“Malfoy!” The Potions classroom door swung open, revealing the Golden trio, who appeared to be quite furious upon learning of yesterday's events in the courtyard- specifically, the encounter between Draco and Y/n.

Draco and his Slytherin companions swiveled their heads to gaze at the three, and a wide grin gradually spread across Draco's face. “A little bit late for the show, aren't we?” He exclaimed with a mocking tone, eliciting laughter from his Slytherin comrades.

“I'll be straight to the point, Malfoy. Stay the hell away from Y/n.” Harry said, glaring down at Draco, who was smirking at him.

The Golden Trio knew damn well about Draco; they knew he wouldn't treat Y/n with such kindness if he didn't need something from the child. They all knew that what he did yesterday was a stupid show just to fool everyone, including the little girl who has taken a liking to him.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron are no fools. They knew exactly what Draco wanted; they knew he wanted to fool the innocent little girl so that he could get useful information out of her. They knew that Draco would just use Y/n to destroy them, and after that, he's just going to disregard her, ruining her innocence, and there is no way in hell they're going to let that happen, not in a million years. Not now that they have also grown closer to the first year; she was too kind to be taken advantage of.

Upon hearing that from Harry, a look of amusement crosses Draco's eyes for almost a second before he brushes it off, making sure he stays smug and arrogant in front of the trio. He got up from his chair, made sure he looked as playful as always, and said, “What if I don't want to?”

He made a conscious effort to maintain his composure and project an air of arrogance in their presence. However, a part of him couldn't help but feel intrigued by the fact that the Golden trio had gone out of their way to confront him, just to ask him to stay away from a little girl they just met.

In fact, he finds this situation very unfair. How come Harry Potter himself has rejected the friendship he once offered during their olden days at Hogwarts when they were only first year students? It doesn't seem to make sense to him; just why are the Golden trio protecting Y/n Devorah? Except for her innocence, what was so special about her? Draco can't seem to comprehend it.

“She's just a kid, Malfoy! You won't get anything good from fooling or hurting her!” Hermione replied, holding onto Harry's arm as the three of them faced Draco.

“No one asked for your opinion, shut up! You filthy little mudblood! Draco immediately exclaimed glaring at Hermione.

At this point, Draco can feel his blood boiling from the sudden turn of events. ‘What's with Y/n Devorah, really?’ He thought to himself while facing the Golden trio, his annoyance rising.

Ron immediately took a step forward. Hearing that from Draco, he looked at him and said with his gritted teeth, “Fuck off, Malfoy!”

Draco's demeanor was observed to broaden considerably as he gazed upon the three before him; a hint of malice flashed before his eyes as he looked at them from their heads to their toes.

His gaze met Harry's eyes again, “Tell me, Potter, what if I don't want to stay away from Y/n?” He asked in a mocking way.

“What are you going to do about it? Tell your parents?” The moment Draco said those words, the room was full of laughter as they looked at Harry's reaction, who seemed to be holding himself back from harming Draco with the use of his wand. Harry clenched his fist, as he tried to calm himself down, before answering,

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