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“Times like these, dark times, they do
funny things to people.”

[Arthur Weasley]

☄. *. ⋆

Draco could feel the heat coursing through his veins, his emotions starting to reach a boiling point. His blood pressure was rising, and his temper was beginning to flare. It took all his willpower to resist the urge to lash out physically. Instead, he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down before approaching the group.

He was seething with anger, his face contorting into a scowl. His eyes were narrowed, and his nostrils flared as he tried to keep himself under control.
“How dare you?”

Draco spoke through gritted teeth. His words were laced with venom. He was beyond furious.
“Going after a little girl, really? I would have expected better from you, McLaggen. You should have picked someone your own size.” He glared at the group, but his gaze was fixed on Cormac, his expression dark and menacing.

Cormac and his friends felt extremely terrified as they all stared at Draco with shaky hands. Sure, Cormac's father is known in the ministry, but fighting a Malfoy is the last thing they would want to do.

Amidst the tension, Cormac tried to hold his composure, but the pain shooting up his arm reminded him of how Draco had sent him flying into the sky and then slamming him on the ground moments earlier. They all knew that they had to do something to diffuse the situation, but didn't know how.
“We were just playing with her!” Cormac said, trying to hold his composure, his arm still injured after Draco sent him flying into the sky and then slamming him on the ground moments earlier.
“Right guys?” Cormac added as his friends nodded their heads in agreement.
“No! Capella and I were just reading books when you came!” Y/n shouted with teary eyes, “You're all mean!”

All of a sudden, the bravery she had seemed to fade away. All she wants to do right now is cry and tell Draco that she was badly hurt— so hurt that she is unable to control her tears as they flow.
To be honest, Y/n doesn't know what hurt more: the physical pain Cormac inflicted on her when he pushed the little girl earlier or the words he told her.

“I see,” Draco clenched his fist, “You were ‘just playing with her,’ right?” He was completely not buying whatever lies Cormac and his friends were putting up. He's not stupid to be fooled by these idiots.
He walked towards Y/n as he crouched down at her level.

“Tell me, little one. What did they do? Mhm?” Despite his soft voice, his demeanor remained threatening and ready to take action against Cormac and his friends for whatever they had done to Draco's precious little girl.

The little girl sobbed uncontrollably as one of Draco's hands held her cheek, trying to dry the tears that were still falling from her (e/c) eyes.

“They said you only befriended me to hurt Harry and the others,” Y/n sobbed, “I didn't believe them, but then the curly guy pushed me!”

“Draco, it hurts...” The little girl sobbed, trembling in terrible pain.

Draco's face hardened as he listened to her story. He felt a surge of anger rising within him, and his fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He turned to Cormac, his eyes narrowing into a furious glare.

Without hesitation, he raised his wand and pointed it at Cormac, “Scourgify!

Draco shouted, as a beam of light shot out of the wand and hit Cormac's face, causing soft pink bubbles to fill his mouth and gag him. The other students gasped in shock and horror as they saw what had happened.

Draco's grin widened as he took a step closer to Cormac and his friends, his eyes gleaming mischievously. “You know, McLaggen,” He said, drawing out the words.

“There are better ways to express yourself than talking shit.”

His gaze flicking over to Y/n, who was watching the scene with a mixture of relief and fascination now that Draco's here. “You see, I care about her. A lot, and I don't want anyone to hurt her.”

He took another step forward, his voice low and menacing. “So here's what's going to happen. You and your goons are going to leave her alone. You're not going to touch her, or harass her, or even look at her the wrong way because if you do, well...” He trailed off, letting the threat hang in the air.

Cormac and his friends were looking increasingly uneasy, but Draco wasn't finished yet. “Just so we're clear,” He continued, his voice dropping to a whisper, “If anything does happen to her...I won't just hurt you. I'll make you wish you were never born.” He leaned in close to Cormac, his breath hot against the other boy's ear.

“I'll make sure your parents will regret raising a fucking cunt like you.” He smirked.

Hearing that, Cormac and his friends finally seemed to get the message. They nodded, their eyes wide with fear, not wanting to move one bit.

Everyone else in the courtyard was staring at him in shock. They had never seen Draco so angry before, so feral. It was clear that he would do anything to keep the little girl safe, even if it meant resorting to violence, and while they were all a little scared of him now, they couldn't help but feel surprised seeing how far Draco would go for Y/n.

Who knows what Draco Malfoy could really do for Y/n Devorah? Only the great devil himself can tell.

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