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“Wear your best dress robes. And make sure they've been properly ironed.”

[Molly Weasley.]

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The long-anticipated day has finally arrived, December 25th, marking the occurrence of the most eagerly awaited event of the year: the Yule Ball. This grand event has sparked a wave of excitement and anticipation among the students of not only Hogwarts, but also the international wizarding schools of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. The hallways are alive with a flurry of activity as everyone is engrossed in last-minute preparations for the grand event, which will take place this evening. The air is thick with excitement and anticipation as students put the final touches on their outfits and rehearse their dance moves one last time before the magical night commences.

“Y/n, you are absolutely breathtaking,” Alcyone said with unmasked admiration, her eyes were transfixed on her friend.

Y/n was seated comfortably in a plush chair as Hermione was meticulously arranging Y/n's (h/c) hair into a soft bun, a few strands skillfully curled to frame her face

Capella smiled as she stared at her bestfriend. A fond smile spread across her face as she shared her thoughts aloud, “Y/n has always been stunningly beautiful. Just like Hermione!” The comment was heartfelt, and it elicited a soft, melodic laugh from Hermione who was already dressed for the night's festivities, adorned in a breathtakingly blue dress that sparkled in the room's soft light, fitting her as if it was woven just for her.

“I'm so excited, I haven't seen Draco since the other day!” Y/n exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. She paused to take a look at her reflection in the mirror, her heart pounding with anticipation. The face that stared back at her was almost unrecognizable, a stark contrast to the girl she was before. Everyone in her life knew her story - how she grew up in a household that was scarce in wealth but abundant in hardship, where she was treated like a servant instead of a child.

“Silly kids,” Hermione chuckled lightly, her voice laced with affection. As a final touch, she carefully positioned a green emerald accessory on the side of Y/n's (h/c) hair. It was a perfect match for her elegant, soft, long-sleeved sage green dress, adding just the right amount of sparkle to her ensemble.

When the task was finally complete, the little girl, her eyes sparkling with gratitude, threw herself into Hermione's arms, and said, “Thank you, Hermione,” with a level of enthusiasm in her voice.

With a smile that radiated kindness and understanding, Hermione responded, “Welcome, little one, the night is yours, enjoy it while it lasts.”

With a swift nod of understanding, the little girl, filled with excitement, instantly dashed towards the outdoors.

She was accompanied by her two companions; Capella and Alcyone, who, like her, seemed to have received the same invitation from their older, more experienced seniors. This was not just any typical night for the three friends. It was a chance to step into a world of enchantment, an opportunity to create memories that they would carry for a lifetime. Their seniors had granted them a magical night, offering an experience that was destined to be filled with wonder, laughter, and camaraderie.

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Y/n arrived at the grand venue, her heart pounding with a strange mix of excitement and anticipation. Eager enthusiasm bubbled up within her as she stepped inside, her eyes dancing around the room in search of Draco. The event had not yet begun, yet she was already filled with a sense of expectation.

She was dressed in the stunning, exquisitely styled dress that Draco himself had gifted her, a garment that made her feel both elegant and cherished. A soft whisper of a question escaped her lips as she scanned the crowd, “Where could he possibly be?”

Her two friends, equally as excited, stayed by her side, their own eyes darting around the grandeur that surrounded them. In contrast to the simple exterior, the interior of the venue was nothing short of extraordinary. The Great Hall where the event was to be held was transformed into a winter wonderland. Decorations that sparkled like crystals hung from every corner, glinting in the soft light and casting mesmerizing reflections on the walls. Snow, seemingly magical, fell gently from the high ceiling, adding a touch of whimsy to the already stunning setting.

“Hey, let's stay by the side first.” Capella paused. “It seems like the ball is about to begin.”
The trio went in line with the other students as the Great Hall's door opened, revealing all the champions with their lucky chosen partners as the whole room erupted with clapping and whispers.

Once everyone had found their seats and the restless chatter had subsided, it was then that Dumbledore took to the stage, standing by the side with his commanding presence. He was preparing to address the entire school with a few words of wisdom and excitement before the much-anticipated ball officially began.

“Let the Yule Ball Commence!” As Dumbledore's resonant voice echoed throughout the room, the moment he had spoken those words, a wave of excitement swept across the room. The champions, each accompanied by their partners, promptly rose from their seats. They gracefully made their way to the dance floor, entering the ballroom under the watchful eyes of their peers. As the first notes of music filled the room, they began their dance. The champions and their partners moved with such elegance and grace, twirling and swaying, that they resembled lovely princes and princesses.

The little girl immediately stood up and looked at the crowd where everyone started dancing, which earned a question from Capella. “Y/n! Where are you going?”
“I'm gonna look for Draco!”

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