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“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.”

[Albus Dumbledore.]

☄. *. ⋆

“Y/n, please, hey hey,” Draco pleaded, calling out softly as he weaved his way through the crowd. He finally managed to reach her, outside the Great Hall. He immediately reached out, his hand gently securing her arm and turning her to face him. His heart sank in his chest as he took in her tear-streaked face, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

His touch was gentle, almost hesitant, as he reached out to her. Without a second thought, he pulled her into his arms, holding her close to him. “Princess? Hey, listen to me, please,” he murmured into her ear, his voice barely more than a whisper. He could feel her trembling against him, her sobs muffled against his chest. He knew he had hurt her, he had promised to take her to the ball as his date which he had failed to do so.

All individuals were situated indoors, during that particular solemn moment, finding themselves in solitude away from the cacophony of noise.

“I-I hate you! You didn't see me for days,” She whimpered, her voice strained with tears. “And now you're here! Dancing w-with... With a beautiful lady! With a girl whose beauty is sprinkled by the angels!” Y/n's voice was a mix of anguish and pain, and she cried in his arms, her sobs echoing the despair of a child denied her heart's desire.

Draco pulled her closer, his arms a comforting presence around her. He let out a sigh that spoke volumes of regret as he gently kissed the top of her head, “I'm truly sorry, my little dandelion... Something came up.” His voice was but a whisper in her ear, a soothing balm to her troubled heart. “Please, believe me when I say, I desired nothing more than to accompany you to the ball, hand-in-hand since the moment I received the invitation last week.”

“I had to do some things first, but I still had the intention of sharing a dance with you,” Draco explained further, cradling Y/n's small frame. She clung onto him as though he was the only solid ground in a world that was spinning.

A sense of relief washed over the young girl upon hearing Draco's honest words. She quickly wiped away her tears, and nodded, symbolizing her acceptance of his apology. “Alright... I forgive you,” she said, her voice barely more than a whisper. “But promise me, next time you won't disappear on me like that again.”

“I swear, little dandelion. I swear.” Draco said. His voice was filled with both a sense of relief and joy that Y/n had chosen to trust his words.

Observing her current state, he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. “Just look at you, my princess. All this crying and running away has left you in a bit of a state,” he said, his voice tender despite the teasing undertone. Draco couldn't resist reaching out to brush away the stray strands of hair that had fallen onto Y/n's face. Using his hand as an impromptu brush, he gently pushed the loose locks behind her ear. He took a moment to appreciate the sight before him, all the while his hand lingering on her hair, enjoying the softness.

“There you go, much more lovely now,” he finally said, his voice barely above a whisper, his gaze not leaving her face.

All of Draco's worries and tiredness suddenly disappeared as he stared at Y/n. Just seeing her brought him a sense of ease and comfort. The moment wasn't romantic, but it was enough to bring a smile to a little girl's face.

He cleared his throat, extending his hand in front of her, and politely asked, “May I have?”

“You may!” She answered with a hint of enthusiasm in her voice and took his hand.

And so, their dance commenced, a beautiful dance that seemed to transport them to another world. The enchanting melody filled the air as they gracefully moved across the floor, their steps synchronized with the rhythm. As they twirled and spun, the atmosphere around them seemed to come alive. They joyfully danced the entire night away, under the starry sky, outside the magnificent Great Hall. The only source of light was the dim glow emitted by the torches mounted on every wall of the hallway, casting flickering shadows as they swayed to the rhythm. The moonlight streaming through the window added an ethereal touch to the scene, illuminating their every move.

When the dance ended, Y/n suddenly looked up at Draco.

“I'll marry you when I grow up!” She remarked, as she looked up at him with a smile of joy written across her face. Her words echoed in the quiet room, filling it with a sense of innocent love and hope for the future.

“Marry me?” He chuckled as he knelt down a bit closer to her so that he's at her level. His heart warmed at her sweet declaration, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of tenderness towards her. “Okay well, let's see whether you still feel the same way when you grow up.” He said with a smile, his eyes filled with affection.

“Is that a promise?” She asked again, her eyes widening in so much joy and pure happiness. She held onto his words, cherishing the thought of a future together.

His hand lightly ruffled her hair, a gentle gesture of reassurance and love. He looked into her eyes with sincerity and responded, “Promise.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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