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Eternal glory! That's what awaits
the student who wins
The Triwizard Tournament.

[Albus Dumbledore.]

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“Now there's only one left thing to do...” Said an unknown silhouette of a man as he took out two pieces of parchment in his hands with names written on them. He looked around, making sure that he was not being followed. As he gazed at the Goblet of Fire, he knew that he had to take action. The fate of the tournament was in his hands, and he was determined to strive for the worse.

With a mischievous grin on his face, the man took out his wand and began to cast a powerful spell. He concentrated all his power on the Goblet, and the cup began to glow with an intense light.

As the spell reached its peak, the man took the two pieces of parchment and threw them into the cup. The papers disappeared into the fiery vortex, and the man knew that his deed was done. He left the dark hall, pretending as if nothing had happened, but inside he was filled with excitement and anticipation.

Little did he know, his actions would have dire consequences.

The tournament would be forever changed, and the fate of the wizarding world would be in jeopardy. But for now, the man walked away, satisfied with his work and ready for whatever came next.

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Faith appeared to be playing games since the days flew by as if they were running out of time.

The delegation from Beauxbatons came on October 30 in a huge carriage drawn by Abraxan horses. The carriages are blue with ornate patterns, such as the Beauxbatons coat of arms, on the outside shell. The Beauxbatons delegation was led by their Headmistress, Madame Olympe Maxime. The group from Durmstrang arrived shortly after their arrival, under the cautious observation of their High Master, Professor Igor Karkaroff, aboard a magical ship that could travel underwater.

A feast was held in the Great Hall to greet the newcomers, that's when and where Professor Dumbledore introduced the other Tournament judges, Bartemius Crouch Sr. and Ludo Bagman, to the assembled students.

Dumbledore also revealed both the Goblet of Fire and the Triwizard Cup after discussing the Tournament's regulations.

He drew an age line around the Goblet of Fire in accordance with the new regulations prohibiting pupils under the age of 17 from participating in the Tournament, which got every student upset because they wanted to join the cup too but weren't able to because of this new rule.

Students would have till the following day's Hallowe'en Feast to enter their names.

The next day, Saturday. Breakfast is typically eaten late for most students. However, Harry, Hermione, and Ron were taken aback when they discovered that others had also risen earlier than normal on the weekends. They noticed about 20 individuals circling the entrance hall when they descended the stairs. Some of them were looking at the Goblet of Fire while others were drinking water or even eating toast. It was positioned where the sorting hat had previously been, in the middle of the hallway, on a stool.

The floor had been marked with a thin golden line that formed a circle ten feet around it in all directions.

“Good morning!” Y/n enthusiastically greeted the Golden trio as she ran up to them, a bright smile on her face.

Hermione crouched down to embrace the little girl and asked, “How did you sleep, Y/n?”

Y/n grinned widely and replied, “I slept great! I had a dream that I passed Professor Snape's potions class!” Making Hermione and the other two softly chuckled at Y/n's dream.

“Anyone put their name in yet?” Ron asked one of the random third-year students as they all stared at the Goblet of Fire. “All the Durmstrang lot,” The girl replied, “haven't seen anyone from Hogwarts yet.”

“Capella look, it's so beautiful,” Y/n said in awe as she walked towards her friend, leaving the Golden trio to their own business.
“It is, and you know what, Y/n?” Capella smiled proudly. “Cedric's going to put his name in it too, he'll participate in this year's cup.” Capella has never shown so much affection for her cousin, but heaven knows how much she loves him and how much she respects him despite her harsh treatment towards him. She admires his unwavering sense of morality and his ability to always see the best in others. Although she may not always express it, Capella is grateful for his presence in her life and values the unique bond they share.

“He'll make the whole Diggory bloodline so proud...” Capella whispered underneath her breath, trying not to look so proud of her cousin.

She's never been a natural when it comes to expressing her feelings, but if anyone asks her about her family, she will stand with a smile on her face, proudly, and tell everyone enthusiastically about the history of the Diggory's—her family.

What Capella didn't know is that her future self would set herself on fire solely just to prevent her cousin from joining this survival tournament if she had the chance to.

The worst, was just about to come, and they all welcomed it with open arms.

Everyone was too focused on the Goblet of Fire until they all unexpectedly heard someone laughing behind them. None other than Fred, George, and Lee Jordan were seen rushing down the staircase while sporting a determined and enthusiastic demeanor.

“Done it,” Fred proudly said with a smirk on his face. “Just taken it.”

The Golden trio with the two first years looked at them confused, Ron asked, “What?”

“The aging potions, dung brains.” Fred replied. “One drop each.” George added in grinning ear to ear.

“We're going to split three thousand galleons between the three of us if one of us wins,” Said Lee, chuckling happily.

Well, isn't it lovely how the Weasley twins were up to no good again? It happens almost every day. What did they expect? The two were the masters of every trouble and prank that was happening at Hogwarts. People find these two cool, and some find them annoying. Regardless, they're still considered one of the reasons why there's laughter in this school.

“It's not going to work,” Hermione said, rolling her eyes. “I'm sure Dumbledore will have thought of this.” But the twins ignored her warnings as the two winked at each other.

“Ready Fred?” George asked his twin,

“Ready, George.” Fred answered.

It was the moment they knew, they fucked up.

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