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Well, it may have escaped
your notice, but life isn't fair.”

[Severus Snape.]

☄. *. ⋆

Pansy's voice rang throughout the whole Great Hall as she exclaimed, “Draco did what?!”

The news of Draco taking Y/n's slot for the Triwizard Cup has been spreading like wildfire for the past day. It has caused quite a stir among the Hogwarts students, with some expressing astonishment, while others are happy about it, such as the Slytherin house. However, not everyone is thrilled about this turn of events.

It seems that the controversy surrounding this issue is not going to die down anytime soon. Some are even speculating about the reasons behind this decision and what it means for the upcoming competition. The Hogwarts community is abuzz with excitement, intrigue, and some apprehension as the Triwizard Cup draws closer.

“I know! It's crazy isn't it?!” said Goyle who's still quite astonished until now. “Draco took the slot for Y/n.”

“That's insane! Do Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy already know?!” Pansy asked, almost losing her mind with the said news. “It seems like they don't have any idea yet,” Crabbe answered.

“Guys, chill okay? Let's just support Draco.” Blaise said smirking, as if what he had in mind is exactly going the same.

As they all exchanged glances, each with their own thoughts and emotions, the gravity of the situation began to sink in. They wondered how this would affect the whole school, and if this would change the dynamics of their group. Despite the uncertainty, they knew they had to rally behind Draco and support him in his endeavors, no matter what.

Pansy looked at Blaise with concern etched on her face as she said, “Why are you so calm about this, Blaise? You know the Triwizard Tournament is a dangerous game!” She furrowed her eyebrows, clearly worried about the safety of their friend Draco participating in the tournament.

Blaise, however, seemed unfazed by the danger. He looked back at Pansy and replied, “Should I be worried? We're talking about Draco here.” He paused, a hint of amusement in his voice as he continued, “He's always been one to take risks and he knows what he's doing.”

“I agree.” Crabbe added, clearly taking Blaise' side. “Besides, when he says he'll protect Y/n, he means it. He'll go to the ends of the earth for her, even if it means facing the devil himself.”

“That's exactly what I was about to say,” Blaise smugly smiled nodding at what Crabbe had stated. Despite Blaise and Crabbe's confidence, Pansy couldn't shake her sense of worry. She knew that the Triwizard Tournament was no joke and that the risks involved were very real. As she thought about it more, she wondered if there was  anything they could do to help Draco stay safe during the tournament.

Upon catching sight of Draco approaching their table, Goyle exclaimed with great enthusiasm, “There he is!” In a swift and coordinated manner, the entire group hastened towards him, eager to engage in conversation.

Pansy, seizing Draco by the arm, called out to him with a sense of urgency, “Draco! Is it true?! Please confirm that the rumors circulating about you joining the tournament are nothing more than idle chatter!”

Draco, however, responded with a smile that graced his countenance, and replied to Pansy's inquiry in a most affable manner, “It's true, Pans. I'll be joining the tournament.”

Pansy's eyes widened in astonishment upon receiving this confirmation, while Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise, displaying an abundance of joy, proceeded to extend their heartfelt congratulations and express their elation for Draco's forthcoming endeavor.

“Congratulations, mate!” Crabbe and Goyle said as they attacked Draco with a hug. Draco was never the type to be affectionate, but for once, he returned the favor and hugged the two with a soft smile on his face.
When Pansy came back to her senses, she immediately asked, “Why? Why are you doing this for her?” Draco looked at her, then answered, “Because she's dear to me.”

“Dearer than your own safety?” She countered.

“Dearer than my whole being.” He exclaimed.

As they settled back to their seats, Draco began to recount the details of how he had managed to let the staffs and Professor's agree to let him take over Y/n's place for the tournament. He spoke of the challenges he would face and the big preparations he was making, detailing his strategy for success. Crabbe and Goyle listened intently, offering their own thoughts and suggestions for how best to approach each of it to help Draco.

Pansy, on the contrary, found herself rendered utterly speechless by the turn of events. The profound impact of the situation caused her heart to fracture into tiny fragments, leaving her in a state of emotional disarray. In an effort to regain composure, she politely excused herself from the company and made her way to the washroom.

Blaise, ever observant, immediately recognized Pansy's distress and instinctively decided to offer his support, as he often did in such circumstances, and so he trailed behind her.

☄. *. ⋆

“I can't believe it, Blaise!” said Pansy who's about to cry. “He's really gonna risk himself for that child!”

It is important to note that Pansy has had feelings for Draco since her first year at Hogwarts. Despite this, she has always known that Draco only saw her as a friend. However, this has not stopped her from holding onto the hope that one day Draco may see her in a different light. In fact, Pansy has spent countless hours daydreaming about a future with Draco, imagining every possible scenario where they could be more than just friends.

Pansy's goals of being with Draco have become more difficult to achieve since the arrival of Y/n. Initially, she believed that the child would not hinder her goals. However, it has become apparent that Draco has developed a strong attachment to Y/n since her arrival at Hogwarts. He spends a significant amount of time with her and frequently speaks about her. He is even willing to risk his safety to ensure the child's safety. As a result, Pansy is feeling increasingly frustrated and unsure about how to navigate this new dynamic between herself, Draco, and Y/n.

She knows it's not the little girl's fault, but she can't help but be envious that Draco is doing to her everything she wishes Draco had done to her instead.

Pansy sat on the stairs, tears streaming down her face as she tried to make sense of her feelings.

“What's so special about her?” she cried, referring to the child who seemed to have caught the attention of Draco.

Blaise, who was sitting across from her, looked at her with a sympathetic gaze. “Don't be jealous, Pansy,” he said. “She's just a child, and you shouldn't compare yourself to her.”

Pansy wiped her tears away and sighed. “I know, but it's hard not to feel left out,” she admitted. “Draco seems to be so interested in her, and I can't help but wonder if there's something wrong with me.”

Blaise sat next to her and put his arm around her shoulder. “There's nothing wrong with you, Pansy,” he reassured her. “Draco can see you and he knows you're here.”

“He sees you, just not in the way you wanted him to.” He added.

Pansy didn't reply after that; she stood up and started walking away while Blaise was left there, staring at her disappearing figure.
Then with a bitter-sweet smile on his face, he whispered, “Just like how you see me, but not in the way I wanted you to.”

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