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Happiness can be found even in the
Darkest of times if only one
remembers to turn on the Light.”

[Albus Dumbledore.]

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“Y/n, can you hurry up?! What's taking you so long?” A loud voice was heard inside the house of the Devorah's making the little girl, Y/n jump out of total surprise.

She had been happily lost in thought, dreaming up stories and adventures, and the sudden interruption made her feel a bit flustered.

Despite her confusion, she tried to stay composed and quickly made her way down the stairs, being careful not to slip on the steps as she held onto the basket filled with laundry.

“I'm sorry, Mommy. I had to go get the laundry first otherwise it would be soaked by the rain.” The little girl answered with a smile, trying to hide the fact that she was a bit startled.

As she walked past her step-mother, she couldn't help but notice the woman's stern expression and the way her eyes seemed to bore into her. It made her feel uneasy, and she wondered if she had done something wrong.

“What do I say about you calling me, ‘Mommy’ ? I'm not your Mother and I told you to call me ‘Madame’ Anyways, there's a mail outside. Fetch it and bring it here.” The old woman said as she rolled her eyes at the little girl who just nodded her head and with a smile she answered, “Got it, Madame.”

As she made her way to the laundry room, Y/n tried to shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in her stomach. She knew that her step-mother could be difficult to please, and she didn't want to give her any reason to be angry. As she began to sort the laundry, her mind wandered back to the stories she had been imagining before she was interrupted.

She wondered what it would be like to go on a grand adventure, to see new places and meet new people. Maybe one day she would have the chance to do just that. For now, though, she had to focus on her chores and try to stay out of trouble.

Y/n Devorah is a young girl who has known nothing but hardship and the cruelty of her step-mother, who has been taking care of her since both of her legitimate parents passed away. At the tender age of five, Y/n's father remarried a woman whom he thought would be kind and loving to his daughter.

However, his hopes were dashed when he passed away two years later, leaving his daughter at the mercy of his wife, who treats his child like a servant.

Y/n didn't have many memories of her late father and her mother whom she was completely clueless about. Sometimes she would often imagine what would it feels like to have a mother who would really treat you well and comfort you whenever you're sad. She would also think what it feels like to have a father who's still with you and is very much willing to do anything just to protect you from this world's cruelty.

Despite the harsh treatment she receives, Y/n is a lovely and dedicated girl, who always tries her best to fulfill all of her step-mother's demands. She spends her days doing household chores, such as washing the laundry, cooking, and cleaning the house. Her stepmother often berates her for her slow pace and lack of enthusiasm, causing the kid to feel worthless and unappreciated.

But despite all of this, she remains hopeful that one day her life will get better. She dreams of a day when she can escape her stepmother's clutches and live a life of her own.

She often spends her free time imagining a different future for herself, one where she is loved and appreciated for who she is.

☄. *. ⋆

After taking care of the laundry, Y/n immediately went outside to get the mail just like she was asked for. She opened the old and rusty mailbox, getting the letters and some of the packages out.

Y/n walked inside the house, setting the letters and the packages at the table. “Good, now serve me tea.” Her step-mother ordered as she scanned each one of the letters completely giving her full focus on it.

“Alright, your tea is coming up!” The little girl said enthusiastically with a smile on her face as she hurriedly made her way to the kitchen to brew her step-mother's tea. She started to pour some cold water at the kettle, after doing so. She opened the stove and placed the heavy filled with water kettle at it.

“My, what is this? A letter for you?” The old woman raised an eyebrow curious the moment she saw the letter for the little girl.

Y/n from the kitchen heard that as she immediately gazed at her step-mother from the dining area holding the letters that was meant for her. “A letter for me?” She asked with a hint of surprised and excitement. It was really a bit surprising for Y/n to receive any letters because she was already an orphan and in the hands of her step-mother who never lets her go outside the house; meaning to say, she was alone and lonely having no friends or any relatives at all.

She was filled with curiosity, wondering who could possibly be writing to her. Being isolated for so long, a letter felt like a miraculous thing, a connection to the outside world that she rarely saw.

Without knowing the word privacy, her step-mother opened the letter.

“I can't read this, Y/n come here and read this.” Her step-mother said, which immediately she followed. Making her way at the dining area, she held the letter in her small hands reading,

“It says here, Dear Y/n Devorah, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” The little girl read out loud and after doing so, she glanced up at her step-mother, who was plainly perplexed by what the letter said.

“What exactly is this?” The old woman said completely annoyed, "Is this some sort of foolish joke?" Her step-mother added, and you can tell she's really puzzled at what the letter have said.

“I also don't know Mo- I mean, Madame...” Y/n answered also confused but there's a part of her who is excited; She wasn't aware of what's real or what's fake, all she knows is that she's happy to receive this letter and that she's been invited to a school, a facility that she was not able to attend to the moment her father died.

“Hmm, if that's the case then. Pack your bags, you're going to this Hogwarts school of yours.” Y/n's eyes glistened in so much excitement and shock the moment her step-mother said that. She didn't expected that her step-mother would really do so.

“Really?! Madame, thank you so much! Thank you very much!” The child leaped as she held onto the letter with such delight. She was enthusiastic as if one of her dreams had finally come true; she'd go outside, make some new friends, study, learn and experience many new things she hadn't gotten to do as a child.

The old woman rolled her eyes at the sight as she said, “My tea, Y/n.”

“Oh! Oh! Yeah, your tea!” Y/n immediately ran back to the kitchen still holding the letter with a happy smile on her face.

This is the best day of her life. Finally, she will go outside and live freely away from all the loneliness and hardwork, though a part of her is concerned that her step-mother would miss her and feel lonely without her. What she didn't realize is that, her step-mother only agreed because she was tired of having to take care of Y/n. She didn't want her around; she despises her and wants her gone from her house.

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