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[Fred & George Weasley.]

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“The goblet is nearly ready,” Dumbledore pointed to the door behind the staff table, saying, “I would ask the Champions to please come up to the hall, walk along the staff table, and go into the next chamber where the first instructions would be given once their names are called.”

Lee Jordan who was two seats away from harry, whispered, “Any second,” as they all waited for the Goblet of Fire to make its selection.

Y/n, seated beside Hermione, quietly and carefully watched the whole scene with amazement and enthusiasm written all over her face, realizing how magical this whole event truly was.

The tension in the hall was palpable as the flame in the goblet changed its color to red. It started to spark, then a tongue of flame erupted into the air, and a burnt piece of parchment floated out, which the headmaster, Dumbledore, caught.

“The champion of Durmstrang,” Dumbledore read, with a firm and strong voice. “None other than, Viktor Krum!”

The hall erupted in a storm of applause and cheering as Karkaroff, the headmaster of Durmstrang, beamed proudly and gave Viktor a hearty pat on the back. The other champions looked on, some with envy, others with admiration, as they watched the scene unfold.

The moment Viktor walked through the next chamber, the chatting and clapping died down as they waited for the next champion to be called. The goblet's flame turned red once more, as it shot the next parchment out.

“The champion for the Beauxbatons,” said the headmaster, “Fleur Delacour!”

The room erupted in applause and cheers, with Y/n and others clapping their hands happily for the girl who exuded grace and beauty with her silvery blonde hair and elegant walk, except for Hermione, who exclaimed, “They looked disappointed.” Which obviously Harry and the others didn't quite agree of.

Soon Fleur walked through the next chamber too, leaving the hall as the whole crowd went quiet, waiting for the last champion to be called— or so they thought.

“Now for the most awaited Hogwarts champion,” Dumbledore paused for a dramatic effect. “Cedric Diggory!”

“No!” Ron said exaggeratedly but no one heard him except Harry who was seated next to him.

The hall was in an uproar as every single Hufflepuff had jumped to their feet, screaming and stamping, as Cedric walked over past them. His popularity was evident as he strolled past the Hufflepuffs, who were practically beside themselves with excitement. He gave them a charming smile, and they responded by cheering even louder.

“Y/n! Y/n! Cedric made it! He got in!” Capella's voice rang out across the hall, drawing Y/n's attention. She turned to see her friend rushing towards her, a look of elation on her face.

When she got up, Capella immediately hugged her, and she responded by returning her warm and happy embrace.

“I know! He deserves it, Capella!” Y/n answered joyfully, feeling happy for her friend, knowing that Capella's cousin, whom she really adored and looked up to, got in and was given a big opportunity to bring such honor to the whole school by participating in this magical and big event.

Just as Dumbledore was giving his speech about the three selected champions, the goblet's flame turned red once more, distracting him and causing everyone to go silent as they all looked at it. Suddenly, a piece of parchment went into the thin air.

The moment the headmaster grabbed the parchment in his eyes, he fell silent and took a long, surprised, and shocked pause before he read, “Harry Potter.”

The whole great hall went quiet, except for Y/n, who was clapping her hands happily for Harry, having no idea what was going on. “Congratulations, Harry!” The little girl beamed enthusiastically, oblivious to the confusion going on around her.

However, her joy was short-lived as Ginny held her gently by the hand and shook her head in disapproval, hoping to convey the message that this isn't something they should all be celebrating for.

“He's a cheat! He's not even seventeen yet!” said one of the crowd as they all looked at Harry with so much judgement and resentment.

Professor McGonagall immediately rose from her seat as she walked past Karkaroff and Mr. Ludo Bagman, making her way to Dumbledore himself, who was still stunned by this sudden turn of events.

“I swear I didn't put my name in,” Harry said, his voice rising with frustration as he turned to Hermione and Ron, who were still reeling from the news. His heart was pounding in his chest as he tried to make sense of what was happening. He had been looking forward to a peaceful year at Hogwarts after the chaos of the previous year, and now this. The Triwizard Tournament was the last thing he wanted to be involved in.

As the reality of the situation sank in, Harry began to feel a sense of unease. Who had put his name in the Goblet of Fire? And why? Was someone trying to get him killed?

Hermione and Ron exchanged worried glances, their expressions mirroring Harry's own fear and confusion. They knew they had to help him figure this out, but where to start? The mystery of the Goblet of Fire had just gotten a lot more complicated, and Harry couldn't shake the feeling that he was in way over his head.

“Of course you did, Potter! You're a cheat!” Draco said from the Slytherin table as they howled with laughter, mocking Harry. Harry felt a wave of humiliation wash over him as he realized that everyone in the hall was staring at him with disgust.

“Shut up, Malfoy!” Harry countered, trying to prove his point that he really didn't do it. He didn't put his name in the cup, it wasn't him.

“Harry Potter! Up here, if you please!” the headmaster's voice boomed across the hall, forcing Harry to stand up at his chair and walk past the long tables. He could feel everyone's eyes on him as he made his way to the front of the room, trying his best to ignore the whispers and jeers. He sighed and hung his head, feeling completely defeated.

Just as he was about to enter the chamber, one of the students yelled out, “Professor, look!” Everyone turned to see the goblet, whose flame was starting to turn red again.

As Dumbledore made his way towards the goblet, he moved with quick and determined steps, his eyes glued to his target. As he reached it, he noticed a small piece of parchment fall from it. Without a second thought, he reached out to grab it, his movements almost too quick for the human eye to follow.

When the headmaster saw whose name was written on it, no one had ever heard silence quite this loud.

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