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The mind is not a book, to
be opened at will and examined at leisure. Thoughts are not etched on the inside of the skulls, to be perused by an invader. The mind is a complex and many-layered thing.

[Severus Snapes.]

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Everyone continued to stare at Y/n and Draco; some of them watched the scene with a surprise written on their faces, and some watched the scene as if they already knew where this was all going to end: that Draco would end up behaving cruelly and cause harm to the sweet, innocent little girl in front of him.

Capella was so close to reaching her friend when suddenly she stopped in her tracks, watching the scene unfold. Their eyes grew wide with surprise the moment Draco's smug and playful demeanor transformed into a gentle and calm one as he leaned down to Y/n so he was at the same level as her height.

His gaze softened as a smile gradually began to appear on Draco's face, “Well hello there, little lion, are you lost?”

Y/n blinked her eyes a lot of times, staring at Draco's face with a mixture of admiration and happiness. ‘I knew it! She thought to herself, thinking that she had been right all along. Draco isn't as bad as everyone says. He's not as terrible as people make him out to be. In fact, he is genuinely kind and approachable.

Slowly, a smile crossed the little girl's face, and answered with a hint of enthusiasm in her voice, “No! I'm even happy that I saw you again!”

Draco was astounded by Y/n's answer for a little while, but the moment he recovered, he didn't know what had gotten into him, and he suddenly raised his hand above her head to ruffle her hair lightly.

“Care to tell me why? I heard you were looking for me.” A soft chuckle escaped his mouth.

Y/n nodded her head repeatedly, “Yes! Yes I am!” She paused for a while to think of an answer, after that, she smiled sweetly, answering, “It's because you look like a prince! A very majestic one!”

“Oh, am I? That's so sweet of you, Y/n.” He answered with a smile.

The two of them continued to talk, but everyone was still stunned by the sight. How come Draco Malfoy is being kind to a little girl? For the record, she's a Gryffindor and a Muggle-born, the last type of person they thought Draco would be kind to.

Draco is a Malfoy, and everyone knows that the Malfoys are a family full of pure-blooded wizards, most of whom attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and were traditionally sorted into Slytherin House. They were also known for being powerful, wealthy, one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, and for the horrible fact that they're a whole family of pure-blood supremacists.

Everyone knows how much Draco despises Muggle-borns; he even tends to bully and make fun of them, just like what he did to Hermione Granger. Aside from that, he's also harsh, cruel, vicious and intimidating.

So how? How come he's being kind to Y/n? How come he's leaning down right before the girl as the two of them smile at each other face-to-face? What kind of sorcery is this?

“Is the world about to end?” Seamus asked, also surprised by the sight.

Dean answered, “I have no idea.”

“You know my name?” Y/n inquired, her eyes sparkling in amusement when she heard Draco call her by her name.

“Well how could I not? I suppose I had to know the name of the new sunshine student at Hogwarts, right?” Draco replied, “Nice to meet you, Y/n. I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.”

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