3: First Day of the Ceremony Banquet

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As the first day of grand New Year's ceremony banquet unfolded, tradition dictated that the Emperor and Empress make their entrance together

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As the first day of grand New Year's ceremony banquet unfolded, tradition dictated that the Emperor and Empress make their entrance together.

From a distance, Claude stood, encircled by a group of noblewomen.

It was a peculiar sight to witness these women boldly approaching him, undeterred by his notorious reputation.

Perhaps it was his striking good looks that compelled them to seek his attention.

Meanwhile, Athanasia found herself surrounded by a few nobles as she occupied one of the empty chairs.

The nobles couldn't help but be captivated by her adorable and cute demeanor.

The princess, though not entirely fond of the excessive attention, remained unfazed by it all.

Maintaining his cold facade amidst the surrounding crowd, the Obelian Emperor leaned in to whisper to his red-haired knight, Felix. His commanding voice carried a note of concern.

"Felix, go look after Athanasia."

The knight sweat-dropped, growing increasingly worried.

"Are you sure you'll be alright being alone, your majesty? You have quite a small crowd here..."

"I'm fine. I won't let them go overboard anyway," the emperor's sharp whisper carried an air of authority, meant for Felix's ears alone.

With a swift bow, Felix departed and made his way towards Athanasia's side, ensuring her well-being in his absence.

Meanwhile, Rashta's curious gaze is fixated on the Obelian emperor from a distance. Her interest piqued, she couldn't help but inquire about his identity.

"Who is that?" she questioned, her curiosity evident in her tone.

"You don't know who he is, Lady Rashta? He's the emperor of the Obelian Empire!" exclaimed one of the lady-in-waitings, sharing the revelation.

Silver-haired Rashta's eyes widened in awe. "Wow, really?! He's so handsome!" she expressed with admiration, a faint blush gracing her cheeks.

"I want to talk to him," Rashta declared with determination, only to be interrupted by a lady-in-waiting who held her by the wrist, attempting to dissuade her.

"I suggest you don't do that. You see, His Majesty is very... intimidating and, well, scary," the woman cautioned.

Rashta raised an eyebrow, her innocent smile never wavering. "I'll be fine! I simply want to befriend the emperor," she asserted, freeing her hand from the woman's grasp.

With sparkling eyes and a bright smile, she ventured forth, eager to approach the enigmatic ruler.

A spirited voice broke through the air, ringing with enthusiasm. "Greetings, sir! I am Rashta!"

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