58: The Return, At Last

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Kosair continued his determined pace, each step quickening as he fought back the rising panic threatening to overwhelm him

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Kosair continued his determined pace, each step quickening as he fought back the rising panic threatening to overwhelm him.

As the afternoon sun began its descent, the shadows lengthened, casting an ominous air over the area.

Kosair's search had yielded no results thus far, and as evening approached, a sense of desolation settled within him.

'No,' he repeated to himself, his jaw set in a determined grimace. 'I cannot lose hope. She must be here.'

His trembling hands betrayed the conflict raging within him, the fierce desire to find his sister battling against the gnawing fear that she might have been taken far away.

"Hey, you punk," a gruff voice called out, the words slicing through Kosair's thoughts like a blade.

A man dressed as a commoner, his rugged appearance accentuated by a fiery glare, approached him with purpose.

Kosair's sorrowful expression morphed into a cold glare as he snapped back, "Can't you see I'm searching for my sister? Why bother me with nonsense?"

The man's fists clenched as he squared up to Kosair, a cold pride gleaming in his eyes. "You're going to pay for what you did to us. You think you can beat up anyone and get away with it?"

Kosair fell silent, his brows furrowing in confusion. Recognition dawned, and his countenance turned indifferent.

"I don't have time for this," he responded with steely resolve, his gaze briefly flitting to a blonde woman in the distance.

"Navier!" he exclaimed, shoving the man aside, who bellowed in rage at Kosair and said, "Get back here, you coward!"

Ignoring the man's shouts, Kosair sprinted towards the woman, his heart pounding with hope and trepidation.

'Please let it be her, please...'

His hand landed on the woman's shoulder, and she turned, revealing an unfamiliar face.

Disappointment clouded his features, but he maintained his composure.

"Apologies, I mistook you for someone else," he managed, his voice tinged with melancholy.

Turning away, he trudged on, his fists clenched tightly, a silent prayer echoing in his mind.

'Navier, please come back...'


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