55: Close Proximity

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Roxana's gaze remained fixed upon the pair before her, her countenance a mask of silence and emptiness.

Just beyond, the figure of Jeremy Agriche materialized, his form framed by the mouth of the cave. An enigmatic quietness seemed to have settled upon him as well as he observed the scene.

A subtle, almost imperceptible smile curled upon his lips, his stance growing more erect as he remarked with a hint of amusement, "A stroke of fortune, it seems. The appearance of two people would undoubtedly satiate your butterflies better."

Her attention shifted momentarily to her stepbrother, then back to the slumbering duo. In this moment of contemplation, her thoughts navigated the crossroads of decision.

'Would it be judicious to offer them to my killer butterflies, or should I let them live?'

Narrowing her eyes in quiet introspection, a soft sigh escaped her lips, the sound a delicate exhalation of consideration. With a measured grace, her hand ascended gracefully.

"Jeremy, I believe we should refrain from such actions," her voice, gentle yet firm, carried an air of finality that seemed to surprise him.

His response echoed his perplexity, his tone a blend of confusion and inquiry. "Huh? But why not?!" he queried, his words carrying the urgency of whispered secrecy.

Her gaze, soft and thoughtful, shifted from him to the sleeping pair, her head canting slightly to the side as if assessing a hidden equation.

"Do you know who they are?" she mused aloud, a sense of curiosity coloring her inquiry. The angle of her head and the slight tilt of her chin lent an air of earnest inquisition to her demeanor.

Jeremy's brow furrowed, his comprehension trailing slightly behind her words. He regarded her, his expression questioning.

"That is the Emperor of Obelian and the former Empress of this empire." Her words hung in the air, a delicate web woven of uncertainty and wonder.


A silence, weighted with realization, enveloped him. His gaze traversed the span between the slumbering figures and his sister, their significance settling heavily upon him.

A wry grin etched across his features, a spark of mischief igniting in his eyes. "A more fitting feast, then," he intoned, his voice a conspiratorial whisper that carried a dark undercurrent. "Claiming the lives of such important nobles would be considered a great achievement."

The transition of her expression was subtle, an interplay of contemplation and caution as she absorbed his words.

"Although," her tone, though composed, held a note of caution. "Consider the consequences of such actions. The repercussions for us would be profound."

His mischievous grin faltered, replaced by a pout of mild disappointment.

"We should just leave, Jeremy," her voice, carrying the promise of finality, resonated with a subtle smile that graced her lips. A swift, graceful movement saw the hood of her black cloak being drawn over her head, veiling her features once more.

His compliance followed her decision, his agreement echoed in a mutual step away from the cave's entrance.

In the wake of their departure, Roxana's smile waned, giving way to an air of nonchalance that settled upon her features. Her gaze, however, did not remain entirely averted from the slumbering pair, her eyes casting a casual sidelong glance.

'But should the gaze of another fall upon them...' Her thoughts held a caution that echoed within the recesses of the cave.

'Rumors would spread quickly and no one will keep it a secret.'

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