47: The Emperor's Visit

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Upon perusing the contents of the letter, Navier found herself engulfed in a sense of disbelief and intrigue.

'Why would Emperor Claude of the Obelian Empire be present in the Eastern Empire?' she wondered, her thoughts a whirlwind of bewilderment and surprise.

"But I have no idea where his majesty could be. How am I supposed to meet him?" Navier pondered aloud, her tone deadpan.

'Maybe I should journey to the capital. It's possible he is nearby. Besides, I wouldn't want to burden Psyche with another long flight,' she mused, releasing a soft sigh.

"Navier!" a voice called out cheerfully from outside the door of her chambers, causing her to startle in surprise.

"Kosair..." she trailed off, her astonishment evident upon seeing her brother's unexpected presence.

However, Kosair's expression shifted from joy to bewilderment as his eyes settled upon the regal eagle perched atop the desk, with Navier seated nearby.

"What is that? Why is there a bird?!" he began, his eyes widening as he pointed at the majestic creature.

"Her name is Psyche. She is a dear friend of mine," Navier explained with a sheepish smile, aware of her brother's incredulous gaze.

His eyes widened further in disbelief. He had never fathomed that his sister would develop such a close bond with an animal, let alone a bird.

Squinting his eyes, he regarded the bird suspiciously, yet Psyche remained unfazed, tapping its beak gently against one of its wings.

"Well, I had hoped that we could share a meal together..." Kosair trailed off, crossing his arms as he glanced back at Navier.

"I will try my best to join you, Father, and Mother for dinner. However, I might end up leaving to meet with a friend," she explained apologetically, her smile tinged with regret. Kosair arched a curious brow.

"A friend? Who might that be?"

His inquiry caused Navier to swallow hard, a bead of sweat trickling down her temple, her gaze shifting to the letter in her hands. She contemplated whether it was appropriate to reveal the identity of her friend.

"Emperor Claude," she admitted, her honesty outweighing any desire to deceive her brother. Kosair's mouth fell agape in shock.

"T-That blonde-haired man I saw in the capital, dressed regally with a grand carriage beside him?" he stammered, his disbelief and surprise apparent.

'He's in the capital?' Navier pondered silently, her eyebrows arching in astonishment. At least now she knew Emperor Claude's whereabouts.

"Yes," she murmured softly, feeling a slight flush of embarrassment.

Kosair furrowed his brows, his gaze lingering on Navier with an air of suspicion. He had never anticipated that his sister would form a connection with an emperor whom he barely knew.

"Very well, I understand," he responded calmly, his tone even, before retreating from Navier's room.

Once the door closed behind him, Kosair's expression shifted, morphing into one of irritation and deep suspicion.

'Why do I have a sinking feeling that man may have romantic intentions toward my sister?'


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