68: The Aftermath

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In the aftermath of the war, the arduous task of rebuilding the empire lay ahead, a daunting endeavor that promised to exceed the initially projected timeline

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In the aftermath of the war, the arduous task of rebuilding the empire lay ahead, a daunting endeavor that promised to exceed the initially projected timeline.

With the cessation of hostilities, the people were now filled with relief, their newfound freedom from harm accompanied by the diligent care bestowed upon the wounded.

Anticipation mounted as preparations for a victory celebration, slated to commence in two days' time, took shape.

Meanwhile, the remains of King Heinrey was reverently transported to the Western Kingdom, where arrangements for his solemn funeral rites were underway, a somber occasion befitting his stature.

In the wake of the monarch's untimely demise, McKenna found himself thrust into the role of regent, an unexpected burden he bore with solemn resolve.

The mantle of succession, poised to pass to his nephew, Sebastian, cast a weighty shadow over the kingdom's uncertain future.

Amidst these tumultuous events, Claude found himself ensconced within the confines of a temporary manor nestled in the heart of the Eastern empire.

Seated upon his bed, his form enshrouded in bandages, he confronted Navier with a mixture of apprehension and contrition.

"Are you sure?"


"Are you really sure?"

"Yes, Your Majesty..."

Navier released a weary sigh, her features etched with fatigue as she met Claude's hesitant gaze, a pang of empathy coursing through her. The weight of their shared circumstances hung heavy in the air, casting a pall over their exchange.

"I just don't want you to marry me out of pity or pretend to love me," he began earnestly, only to be silenced by a gentle finger pressed to his lips, leaving him momentarily stunned.

"I mean it," Navier affirmed, her determination shining through as she continued to speak. "Your devotion to me has made me realize my feelings for you, and I believe you would be the best choice for my life."

As he absorbed her heartfelt words, his eyes widened slightly in astonishment. Navier's cheeks flushed with a delicate blush as she lifted her index finger in a logical gesture, her words flowing forth with sincerity. "Besides, you are handsome, powerful, and more. Any woman would be captivated by you."

A smile graced his lips, his brow arching slightly in response. "But I am the one who's willing to go head over heels for you. I don't care about those women because my heart belongs to you."

Her lips parted and a warmth began to spread across her features, meeting his gaze with sincerity. She delicately lifted his wounded hand, swathed in bandages, her gentle touch seeking out the unbandaged spot on his palm.

Seriousness and concern etched her features as she inquired, "Why would you touch the blade? You know its sharpness could have resulted in injury, even the loss of your hand."

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