24: The Revelation

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Days had slipped away, and the absence of a response from Navier since he presented the gift filled Claude's heart with concern

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Days had slipped away, and the absence of a response from Navier since he presented the gift filled Claude's heart with concern.

Resting upon his regal throne in his office, the emperor sat in a silence that echoed with unspoken worries.

His eyes fixated on the expanse before him, while his fingers pressed thoughtfully against his lips.

The weight of anticipation permeated the room, causing Felix, the knight, to shift uneasily in the presence of Claude's intense and brooding aura.

Anxiety tinged his voice as he addressed the knight.

"Felix, do you think that the empress did not appreciate my gift?" Claude's voice wavered, a mix of vulnerability and disbelief coloring his words.

His widened eyes sought reassurance from the knight, desperate to dispel his doubts.

"O-of course not, your majesty! The gift you gave her is a masterpiece of beauty. I doubt that the empress will not like it!" Felix stammered, perspiration dotting his brow as he struggled to convey his conviction.

However, Claude's frown deepened, and his gaze shifted downwards to the intricately adorned tea table before him. Doubt gnawed at his thoughts, teasing him with the possibility of inadequacy.

"Should I have offered something more? Perhaps a necklace."

The words escaped him, laden with self-doubt, as if searching for reassurance from the loyal knight.

Felix's mind raced, and a gentle smile tugged at his lips as he considered the matter.

'Well, I believe that a portrait is worth far more than a mere necklace...' he thought to himself, silently affirming the empress's appreciation for the heartfelt gift.

However, Felix chose his next words carefully. "Your majesty, the portrait captures the essence of your sentiment. It speaks volumes of your admiration for the empress. I believe it holds a special place in her heart."

A glimmer of hope flickered in Claude's eyes as he pondered Felix's response, finding solace in the knight's words of reassurance.


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