41: Outrage

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Kosair's eyes widened in sheer disbelief, his parted lips quivering with a mix of shock and fury. The darkness that already clouded his countenance seemed to deepen further, casting an ominous shadow over his features.

"That man..." he whispered through clenched teeth, his voice laced with anger and disdain. He swiftly rose from his seat, catching Navier off guard as she watched him with a blend of concern and trepidation.

"THAT BASTARD! LET ME CONFRONT HIM!" he bellowed, his outburst reverberating through the air, causing heads to turn and eyes to widen in the vicinity.

Navier, alarmed by the sudden outburst, hurriedly stood up and hastened towards her brother, desperately attempting to calm his escalating emotions.

"Kosair, you must calm yourself! We cannot cause a scene here," she implored, her voice fraught with worry, her hands gently encircling his arm in a gesture of restraint.

"Calm down?!" he retorted, his voice sharp and filled with indignation. "How can I possibly calm down when it's such a big deal!"

"That woman," he paused, a menacing smirk curling upon his lips, his words dripping with sarcasm. "is going to be your replacement, isn't she?!"

"I beg you, lower your voice. The public must not be privy to this information, atleast not yet," she whispered urgently, her words carrying a sense of urgency and caution.

He grumbled in anger, his teeth audibly grinding together, his fury intensifying with each passing moment.

"Navier," he uttered, his gaze locking with hers, his eyes ablaze with determination. "You have worked tirelessly to attain the position of empress. I cannot allow that wretched woman to steal what rightfully belongs to you!"

"But I am left with no choice, am I not? It's his decision. He is the emperor," she responded, her voice tinged with sadness, her smile strained as her brows furrowed with inner turmoil.

The tension in his clenched jaw slowly eased, and in an instant, he enveloped Navier in a tight embrace.

"I refuse to let you lose your rightful place. I will do whatever it takes to teach that damn husband of yours a lesson, even if it means tarnishing my own reputation," he muttered under his breath, a blend of determination, anger, and sorrow resonating in his words, his grip on her tightening.

Navier's expression softened, her gaze returning to its saddened state as she averted her eyes, her hands tenderly finding their way to his back, returning the embrace.

"Kosair-" she began, her voice laden with emotion, yet her words were interrupted once he abruptly pulled away, his determination propelling him forward as he sprinted out of the restaurant.

"KOSAIR!" she cried out, her eyes widening in a mix of worry and panic, her voice echoing through the establishment.

Her breath caught in her throat as the gazes of onlookers shifted towards her, a sense of unease permeating the air.

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