40: Town Square

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(Next chapter will be published later

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(Next chapter will be published later.)

Another week had elapsed, and within the regal confines of the Eastern palace, the high priest arrived to delve into the matter of the impending divorce between the emperor and the empress. The air was heavy with solemnity as the weighty discussions commenced.

"Navier," Sovieshu's voice carried a somber undertone, his countenance reflecting a mix of regret and frustration as he observed the queen reclining on the empress's bed.

She paused, her gaze meeting Sovieshu's with a composed yet guarded expression, silently urging him to proceed.

Tension coiled within him, causing his hands to instinctively clench, his fingers forming gentle fists as his brows furrowed in contemplation.

"I wished to speak to you privately, though it seems that you brought that other bird into your chambers again."

His words were laced with a touch of reproach, though not sharp enough to sever the fragile thread between them.

Navier's brow furrowed in bewilderment. It seemed that her soon-to-be-divorced husband had an uncanny knack for finding reasons to engage in arguments with her, even in these delicate moments.

At this point, it had become increasingly difficult to discern the authenticity of his expressions, whether his sadness and guilt were genuine or merely a facade.

"If you truly wish to speak with me, then speak now," she responded, her tone steady yet tinged with weariness.

Sovieshu fell silent for a brief moment, his jaw tightening ever so slightly before he implored, placing a hand over his heart.

"Navier, you should express your gratitude to me. Shouldn't you be thankful that I abandoned the traps I had once set? I am displaying undue benevolence by allowing you to continue your letters with your pen pals, but it is imperative that you sever those ties in due course."



'He wants me to thank him?'

Navier's mind reeled in disbelief, a cascade of thoughts swirling within her, and her frown deepened as his words lingered in the air.

"I thought I already made it clear that it won't be necessary for me to thank you," Navier replied, her voice laced with a slight hint of coldness. "Furthermore, I have repeatedly assured you of the purity of my intentions. Why do you persist in doubting me?"

Sovieshu fell silent, his jaw clenched even tighter as he gave her a weak glare. Without uttering a single word, he turned around and began to walk away.

Navier was taken aback by his abrupt departure.

'Did he really just leave like that?'

She slowly lifted her hand, a mix of emotions coursing through her, and began to caress Queen's head as she pondered the situation.

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