43: Distant

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The following day, Kosair prepared to depart, already mounted on his horse, ready to return to the borders

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The following day, Kosair prepared to depart, already mounted on his horse, ready to return to the borders.

"Navier, don't let that man's decisions affect you. You are stronger than you realize," he stated with a furrowed brow, concern evident in his voice. The empress responded with a serene smile.

"Don't worry, I will be alright," she reassured him, though Kosair's frown deepened even further.

"If I discover that he has hurt your feelings again, I won't hesitate to remind him just how formidable my fists can be." His voice dripped with venom as he glared.

"Please refrain from uttering such words aloud, Kosair. It won't turn well for you..." Navier trailed off wearily, her concern evident.

Kosair remained silent, his frown transforming into one of sadness, before he enveloped his sister in a tight embrace.

"I will miss you," he whispered, his head nestled in the curve of Navier's neck.

Her expression softened, and she reciprocated the hug, cherishing the warmth of their embrace.

"I will miss you too..."

Eventually, Kosair released her from his embrace with a gentle smile. He turned around, waving farewell, before mounting his horse, and with a flick of the reins, the horse began to move, gradually carrying him away.

As evening descended upon the palace, the empress strolled along the outdoor hallways, accompanied by her loyal lady-in-waitings trailing behind her

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As evening descended upon the palace, the empress strolled along the outdoor hallways, accompanied by her loyal lady-in-waitings trailing behind her.

"Your majesty, why would the emperor have to divorce you...?" Laura's voice trembled with sadness, her gaze lowered in desolation.


Navier fell silent for a moment, mustering a faint smile.

"It is for the best. He needs to establish the legitimacy of his child," she replied, attempting to adopt a more understanding stance.

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