37: A Burden of Betrayal

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Her green eyes widened, a flicker of disbelief coursing through her veins, as his words struck her like a thunderbolt

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Her green eyes widened, a flicker of disbelief coursing through her veins, as his words struck her like a thunderbolt.

The air around them grew heavy with the weight of his revelation, and her delicate features contorted with a mixture of shock and pain, her hands instinctively curling into tight fists.

"...why?" Navier managed to utter, her voice strained and raw with emotion, betraying the profound hurt that lingered beneath her composed facade.

Sovieshu, burdened with remorse, mustered the strength to explain, his voice quivering with a hint of determination.

"It is for the sake of our child," he offered as an explanation, his words carrying a weighty mix of regret and purpose.

The realization of his motives crashed upon Navier like crashing waves, and her eyes narrowed, flashing with a stormy mix of anger and heartache.

"Our child?" Navier's voice trembled with incredulity, her words laced with a bitter tinge. "That unborn child will forever consider me the enemy of their mother."

Sovieshu's eyes widened, a pang of guilt piercing his heart as he averted his gaze, unable to meet her penetrating stare.

"It is for the best, Navier," he reasoned, his voice tinged with a touch of sorrow. "You're infertile, and I am left with no other choice. The child Rashta carries is my own."

Navier's gaze hardened, her jaw clenching as a fire ignited within her.

"So, this is about my infertility," she retorted, her words cutting through the air like a blade, infused with a potent mix of anger and wounded pride.

"You believe that justifies tearing apart our marriage? Casting me aside like a used piece of furniture?"

Sovieshu's eyes widened further, the weight of her words landing heavily upon his conscience.

His jaw tightened in a blend of guilt and frustration, as he desperately sought redemption.

"It is only for a year. I promise to return to you, to marry you once again-"

"Please leave," Navier interrupted, her voice laced with steely resolve, as she stood up from the edge of the bed, her gaze piercing him with an unwavering glare.


Sovieshu's breath hitched, his heart aching with the weight of his actions, yet he knew he had to honor her request.

Swallowing his remorse, he turned around, the burden of his choices weighing heavily upon his shoulders, and silently retreated, as she had commanded.

As Navier sat on the edge of the bed, the silence enveloped her chambers, echoing the void left by Sovieshu's departure

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As Navier sat on the edge of the bed, the silence enveloped her chambers, echoing the void left by Sovieshu's departure.

The weight of his decision settled upon her shoulders, and she couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of desolation.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she grappled with the reality of her impending dethronement.

Her fingers trembled slightly as she pressed them against her temples, desperately seeking solace in the gentle pressure.

The weight of betrayal burdened her, a heavy burden that bore down upon her heart. She had committed herself wholeheartedly to their marriage, investing her time and energy in nurturing the prosperity of their empire.

Yet now, she was alone, abandoned and forsaken.

It felt as if all her efforts to become the epitome of a perfect empress, to embody the ideals that the empire wanted, had been rendered meaningless in an instant.

The ache in her heart intensified as she grappled with the harsh reality before her, and a profound sense of uncertainty gnawed at her, mingling with the hurt that coursed through her veins.

With a weary sigh, she pushed herself up from the bed, her steps carrying her toward a window that overlooked the sprawling city beyond the palace walls.

The view that once brought her comfort now seemed distant and foreign, mirroring the uncertainty that clouded her own heart.

"Your majesty," Countess Eliza inquired once again, her voice filled with concern as she and Lady Laura approached Navier from behind.

Navier's attention remained fixed on the sprawling scenery visible through the window, her brows furrowed with a deep sadness etched upon her features.

"Has something happened, your majesty?" Countess Eliza gently prodded, her voice laced with worry.

Navier's response was measured, her voice serene but tinged with melancholy as she replied, "Nothing of significance had happened."

Though she mustered a faint smile, the sorrow in her eyes was impossible to conceal.

Empress Navier walked through the opulent corridors of the Eastern palace, her countenance a mask of composure concealing the turmoil brewing within her

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Empress Navier walked through the opulent corridors of the Eastern palace, her countenance a mask of composure concealing the turmoil brewing within her.

Though her visage remained serene, a discerning eye could discern a flicker of sadness and gravity shadowing her features.

As she traversed the hallowed halls, her mind became a whirlwind of thoughts, swirling with the weighty question that plagued her every waking moment:

'What will happen to me...if Sovieshu divorces me?'

With head bowed, she delved deep into the recesses of her contemplations, seeking solace or a glimmer of insight amidst the labyrinth of uncertainties.

Suddenly, her ruminations were interrupted by a familiar presence nearing her. She lifted her gaze, meeting the figure of Duke Ergi with a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

The nobleman greeted her with a genial wave and a sly smirk, piquing her intrigue further.

"Duke Ergi, what brings you here in the palace?" Navier inquired, her brow arched inquisitively.

Ergi's demeanor remained unruffled as he replied with a composed air, his smile unwavering. "Lady Rashta wanted to have an audience with me, leaving me with no choice but to come here."

The empress simply nodded, her thoughts aligning with the reality of Rashta's closeness to him.

"I see. May your return to Bluvohan be safe," she uttered with composed detachment, continuing on her path without casting another glance in his direction.

Observing Navier's retreating form, Ergi's smirk widened, a glint of mischief gleaming in his eyes.

He held his gaze fixed upon her while Navier remained steadfast, her focus resolutely ahead, unaware of the silent observer studying her from afar.

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