61: Tea and Tensions

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Navier stood in momentary awe

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Navier stood in momentary awe. At last, she had discovered the elusive woman she sought.

"I've been in search of you; I trust my intrusion isn't unwelcome," she spoke with a composed intensity. "May I take a seat?" she murmured, to which Roxana gracefully assented.

"By all means, Lady Navier, isn't it?" Roxana inquired, a persistent smile gracing her lips. She delicately touched her teacup, sipping with grace before lowering it gently to the table.

"Is there a particular reason for seeking me out? Your face suggests a matter of importance," Roxana inquired, her crimson eyes narrowing with a hint of suspicion.

Navier initiated, "If you happen to recall encountering a knight with red hair," she began, "he serves the Obelian Empire."

"I'm aware."


Navier couldn't help but feel a bit outmatched in knowledge. Clearing her throat, she continued, "He mentioned that you knew of us, yet you apparently chose not to assist."

"I merely wanted to avoid complications, especially when tired from tending to my butterflies," Roxana responded nonchalantly, as if her decision held no weight.

'Butterflies?' Navier mused, perplexed. Roxana's explanation, while unsatisfactory, did soften the tension.

The perceptive blonde noticed Navier's discontent and apologized, "...my apologies. Though I declined then, I'm willing to make amends by assisting with anything else."

Navier, a blend of displeasure and relief, responded firmly, "Have you ever encountered an man with a cloak, with brunette hair and silver eyes?"

Roxana pondered, looking away before lightly clicking her tongue, "Not in the slightest. Why do you ask?"

Her disappointment deepened, "That stranger is the very reason we found ourselves stranded."

"Is that so?" Roxana's brows arched, a trace of surprise crossing her features. Pressing a finger to her lower lip, she contemplated, "If I ever find the man you seek, I'll surely inform you."

Navier sighed in relief, managing a grateful smile. "That would be greatly appreciated. Thank you."

As she rose to leave, Roxana interjected.

"However, it might be plausible that the issue stems from someone within your connections, Lady Navier," she suggested with a sly grin. "Exercise caution."

Navier's bewilderment deepened, a spark of doubt tugging at her heart. "That... might be true," she hesitated before departing. The counsel lingered in her thoughts. "Thank you once again. It was a pleasure meeting you."

Under the scrutiny of crimson eyes, Navier exited the cafe, her gaze lowered in suspicion.

'I truly must be more careful around those I know...'

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