18: Weeping Prince

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Queen's eyes widened in disbelief, a mixture of surprise and confusion filling its avian features

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Queen's eyes widened in disbelief, a mixture of surprise and confusion filling its avian features.

The name Psyche resonated in its mind, drawing a parallel to its own appellation. The coincidence was remarkable, to say the least.

"Queen?" Navier's voice broke the silence, causing the majestic eagle to startle. It raised its head, locking eyes with the empress who stood before it, her presence unexpected.

In a swift motion, Queen turned away from the window, its wings spreading wide as it took flight, leaving Navier behind in a state of astonishment and concern. "Queen!" she called out, her voice laced with a tinge of urgency, but her efforts to pursue the bird were in vain-it had vanished into the expanse of the sky.

Navier's brows furrowed as she stood there, her gaze fixated on the empty space where Queen had been. A mix of emotions swirled within her, as she tried to comprehend the sudden departure of her avian companion.

"Why did Queen react in such a manner?" the empress pondered, her thoughts meandering through the possibilities.

Little did she know, Queen's reaction was not solely due to the presence of another eagle.

There was another reason behind the sorrow etched upon its avian visage-the revelation of a new pen pal.

Her gaze lingered on Psyche, who peacefully slumbered on the bed.

The sight of the serene eagle brought a sense of contentment to the empress, and a gentle smile graced her lips.

'It warms my heart to see her at ease in my presence...'

Refocusing her attention on the paper before her, Navier dipped her quill and began to write, the ink flowing gracefully onto the parchment.

[Psyche appears quite fatigued.]

Heinrey flew through the sky with a heavy heart

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Heinrey flew through the sky with a heavy heart. He was deeply affected by the encounter with the message left on the paper.

The weight of his emotions overwhelmed him, and tears welled up in his eyes. In an attempt to conceal his anguish, he covered his face with both hands, a fragile facade failing to hide his true feelings.

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