53: The Forest

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(Sorry I made a mistake that I didn't realize)

"Your Majesty!" Navier's voice rang out, laden with panic and concern as she hurried to Claude's side, her eyes wide with fear.

Despite the pain that seared through him, Claude maintained his regal poise, his hand firmly gripping the wound on his abdomen.

His attempt to reassure her was reflected in his voice, though the pain was unmistakably etched in his eyes. "I'm fine," he assured her, his tone steady, a mixture of calm and agony.

Navier's heart raced within her chest, her gaze darting around in search of the unseen assailant.

Another sound reached their ears, and they both instinctively tensed.


Reacting with swift agility, Claude twisted his body, evading the oncoming arrow in a desperate maneuver. The arrow found its mark in a nearby tree with a resounding thud, emphasizing the danger they were facing.

'An ambush? Who could be behind this?' The thought crossed his mind, his expression darkening with a mix of frustration and vigilance.

Beside him, Navier stood frozen, her breath caught in her throat, her sense of security shattered by the sudden attack.

"We must get out of here-" Navier's words were cut short as another arrow whizzed past them, a hair's breadth away from its target.

Claude's resolve solidified, his grip on Navier's hand tightening as he propelled them into action, sprinting away with her through the forest, arrows narrowly missing them as they weaved through the trees

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Claude's resolve solidified, his grip on Navier's hand tightening as he propelled them into action, sprinting away with her through the forest, arrows narrowly missing them as they weaved through the trees.

"Emperor...! I don't memorize this forest!" Navier's voice trembled with urgency as they continued to dodge the rain of arrows.

Abruptly halting in their tracks, they were confronted by the sudden appearance of a masked figure emerging from the underbrush.

The intruder brandished a sword, and Claude positioned himself defensively, placing his body between Navier and the potential threat. His gaze, once calm, now bore a fierce determination.

"Who are you?"

The words left his lips with a sharp edge, his magical power coalescing in his hand as he readied for a confrontation.

The masked assailant remained silent, their intentions veiled, as they lunged at Claude with a swift strike, and he deftly avoided the blade's deadly path.

The masked assailant's attack was swift and calculated, their sword aimed for Claude's vulnerable spots. Claude's movements were precise, his defensive maneuvers allowing him to narrowly escape each strike, his eyes focused and unwavering.

Navier watched the intense struggle with wide eyes, her heart pounding in her chest as fear and concern for the emperor gripped her.

As he assailant's attacks grew more aggressive, their determination evident in every swing. Claude's brow furrowed in concentration as he could still feel the strain in his muscles and the ache from his wound.

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