50: Another Burden of Betrayal

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Navier's heart was entangled in a tumultuous sea of conflicting emotions, torn between disbelief and the faint whisper of doubt that maybe, just maybe, there was a misunderstanding.

Yet, as she reread the words penned with utmost sincerity, her mind struggled to dismiss the unsettling truth before her.

"No..." she murmured, her voice barely audible as her hand trembled, clutching the letter with an intensity reflective of her inner turmoil. "This cannot be... King Heinrey would never..."

Her thoughts tumbled like a cascading waterfall, rushing to rationalize the inconceivable. She desperately sought reasons to believe that Sovieshu's claims were mere fabrications designed to sever her connection with King Heinrey, even in their post-divorce life.

Yet, as her heart grappled with this revelation, she couldn't shake the lingering doubt that gnawed at her soul.

Her jaw clenched as she wrestled with a surge of anger mingled with profound sorrow.

'How could he do such a thing?' she questioned, her emotions building a tempest within her calm demeanor.

The betrayal felt like a dagger to her soul, as if the very foundation of trust upon which their camaraderie was built had crumbled beneath her feet.

Her fingers pressed firmly against her temple as she sought a path forward amidst the chaotic storm of emotions.

'What should I do? Should I confront King Heinrey?'

The burden of her decision weighed heavily on her shoulders, for it encompassed not only her personal sentiments but also the welfare of her nation and, above all, the safety of her family.

'I cannot simply ignore this and allow an impending war to harm the people,' she resolved, her eyes resolute and unwavering.

In the opulent dining room adorned with flickering candlelight, Navier sat gracefully, her posture poised and elegant as always

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In the opulent dining room adorned with flickering candlelight, Navier sat gracefully, her posture poised and elegant as always.

The clinking of silverware against porcelain echoed through the room, yet her appetite seemed restrained, her plate scarcely touched. The weight of recent events lingered heavily on her mind, casting a shadow over the otherwise serene atmosphere.

Duchess Trovi, ever attuned to her daughter's emotions, noticed the subtle changes in Navier's countenance.

Concern etched across her face, she couldn't help but inquire, "Navier is something wrong? Has the letter from Emperor Sovieshu troubled you?"

The inquiry caught Navier's attention, and she glanced up to meet her mother's eyes, her own eyes reflecting a mix of emotions.

For a fleeting moment, she considered sharing the contents of the letter, the heavy revelation that had unsettled her heart. But she quickly quelled that urge, choosing instead to offer a serene smile.

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