5: Pointed Sword

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On the second day of the New Year's ceremony, the banquet hall buzzed with murmurs as guests exchanged hushed conversations

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On the second day of the New Year's ceremony, the banquet hall buzzed with murmurs as guests exchanged hushed conversations.

The atmosphere was tense, filled with whispers of intrigue and confusion.

"Why did you deceive me? Didn't I tell you I was looking for a special friend?" Prince Heinrey's voice carried disappointment.

"Is it acceptable for a servant to deliberately fool royalty in the Eastern empire?"

"I-I didn't mean-! Um, I..."

Caught in the spotlight of scrutiny, the lady-in-waiting responsible for the deception stammered, struggling to find a suitable response. Her eyes darted nervously, aware of the weight of her actions.

Observing the unfolding drama, Claude's frown deepened, his disappointment evident.

This was not the first time he had witnessed such a display within the Eastern Palace.

"Is this a common occurrence here?" Claude's voice held a hint of exasperation as he surveyed the scene before him, unimpressed by the chaos.

"I cannot say for certain, Your Majesty," Felix replied, his unease evident in his voice.

The knight found himself growing increasingly uncomfortable with each passing moment.

"It appears that someone has faked their identity as the crown prince's penpal," Felix contemplated, his gaze turning piercing as he focused on the emperor afterwards.

"You have keen ears," Claude stated, a hint of dry amusement in his voice as the knight sweat-dropped.

"Not at all. It can be heard clearly through this area of this banquet hall..." Felix replied, his chuckle laced with a touch of embarrassment.

"You're surprisingly perspective, prince Heinrey," a young woman interjected with a smile.

'Her again? Why does it seem like she's always entangled in these troublesome situations?' Claude's frown deepened, sensing a pattern in her presence.

Yet, he chose to divert his attention elsewhere. It was not his concern, after all.

"From the contents of the letters, I thought you were just a flippant person," Rashta remarked, her voice filled with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty.

"...Lady Cherini is your lady-in-waiting, yes?" Heinrey inquired, arching an eyebrow as he regarded Rashta closely.

"Yes. I'm the one you've been looking for, your highness. I can easily prove it to you if you don't believe me," the mistress replied, her voice carrying an innocent tone, delicate blush adoring her cheeks as she placed a hand over her chest.


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