14: An Anonymous Letter

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Navier sat on her throne while she attended to matters of state alongside Sovieshu

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Navier sat on her throne while she attended to matters of state alongside Sovieshu.

The imperial council member stood before them, his demeanor respectful yet anxious, fully aware of the gravity of the conversation taking place in the throne room.

"As you wish, your majesty. I will ensure that the necessary arrangements are made," the council member stated, bowing deeply before turning to leave.

Navier nodded, acknowledging his commitment to fulfilling his assigned duties. Her eyes followed him until he disappeared from sight, leaving her alone with Sovieshu in the hushed ambiance of the throne room.

Silence hung in the air, broken only by the faint rustling of robes as Sovieshu shifted uncomfortably.

Finally, he spoke, his voice tinged with disappointment.

"My request for an alliance with the Obelian Empire and access to their trade routes has been declined by Emperor Claude," Sovieshu revealed, his gaze fixed on her as he awaited her response.

The empress remained composed, her expression betraying no hint of surprise or frustration. She inclined her head slightly, acknowledging his words.

"I see. It appears that he has made his decision," Navier replied evenly, her voice calm and measured.

Sovieshu's eyes searched Navier's face for any sign of disappointment or discontent.

However, he found none. It puzzled him, for he had anticipated a stronger reaction from his wife.

He pressed further, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Are you not disappointed? This alliance could have brought great benefits to our empire."

Navier's gaze met Sovieshu's, her eyes resolute and unwavering before responding, "While an alliance may have its advantages, it is not solely dependent on the Obelian Empire. Our empire already possesses its own strength and resources. We will find other avenues to secure our prosperity."

Sovieshu, overwhelmed by a maelstrom of thoughts, descended into a profound silence.

His gaze dropped and his head bowed slightly, a tacit acknowledgment of Navier's words.


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