20: Artemis

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In her human form, Artemis, also known as Psyche, possessed an enchanting beauty.

Her lustrous white hair flowed with golden accents, her striking green eyes, akin to the emerald shade, held a mesmerizing quality, as if they were precious jewels themselves.

The resemblance between her human and eagle form was uncanny, with the same radiant features and captivating gaze.

And she had never imagined herself becoming a messenger bird caught between two individuals.

"So let me get this straight," she said, her voice laced with a touch of mockery. "You want me to transform into an eagle and deliver your letters to that Eastern empress from time to time?"

The audacity of the request left her dumbfounded.

"Yes," he replied resolutely.

Artemis couldn't help but scoff in disbelief, a mixture of cockiness and fury playing on her lips.

"Do you realize I am the grand duchess of your neighboring empire, ___? A powerful and highly respected woman."

___ fell into a momentary silence, releasing a tired sigh as he massaged his temples, his frustration evident.

"Besides," Artemis continued, her tone dripping with defiance, "if I were to transform, why not become a tiger or a rabbit instead?"

"That would be worse."

"Tigers are intimidating, and rabbits are cute. Furthermore, your sudden romantic interest in a married woman seems highly unlikely for you."

"I seek only friendship, nothing more," he snapped, his words sharp with irritation. "I assure you, I have my priorities in order, Artemis."

Artemis sighed, frustration evident as she brought her hand to her face, her gaze narrowing as she regarded him.

"What's in it for me, then?" she inquired, her voice tinged with curiosity.

He paused, considering her question, before responding, "I will ensure that you receive your favorite desserts from this empire from time to time."

Her eyes widened, a glimmer of hope shining within them.

"Really?" she asked, her voice filled with anticipation.

He deadpanned, not taken aback by her sudden change of heart.

It was a reminder that no matter how intimidating or powerful she appeared, Artemis still had her moments of childlike excitement, especially when it came to her favorite food.

"Yes, really," he confirmed.

Artemis, her eyes now gleaming, regained her sharp demeanor, her expression once again dignified.

"Well, at least this arrangement will give me the opportunity to learn more about the Eastern empress, known for her cold and distant nature," she stated firmly.

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