63: A Male Crow

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Psyche paid little mind, settling down on the bed, a sight Navier found endearing

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Psyche paid little mind, settling down on the bed, a sight Navier found endearing. As she gently caressed the eagle's feathered wing, it responded with a silent purr, cooing with contentment.

'Somehow, I don't feel like resting just yet.' The memories of weariness during her empress days flickered briefly.

No longer tethered to those responsibilities, a sense of relief washed over her. She was accustomed to constant activity, unable to imagine a life of simple repose, especially with her father shouldering most noble duties.

A knock at the window interrupted her musings. With a patient sigh, she approached the balcony glass door, preparing to address Queen.

"Queen, I'm terribly sorry but-"

Her words faltered as she looked out. It wasn't Queen at all. Instead, a crow perched there, its dark wings unfolding gracefully.

The bird, though different from Queen, held a captivating beauty of its own, leaving Navier frozen in disbelief.

She blinked, processing the unusual arrival. 'Another bird? Is this a new pen pal? Who might it be this time?'

Tilting her head, Navier scrutinized the crow, which stared back with an air of calm indifference.

Despite her own musings, her attention shifted to the letter held delicately in its beak. She extended her hand, a silent request for the correspondence.

The crow, demonstrating a surprising level of intelligence, complied. The rolled paper gently fell into Navier's waiting hand.

"An intelligent bird too. I feel like an aviculturist," she sighed with a mix of weariness and deadpan humor. Another exchange of glances ensued before she allowed the crow to enter.

Perched on the vanity table, the bird observed as Navier, now seated at the vanity chair, carefully unrolled the paper.

[ I'm sorry if I had sent this too late. I'm the lady you met at the cafe, and I wrote this to inform you that I found the assassin. Brunette hair, silver eyes, his name is apparently Altoise.]

Her eyes widened in disbelief as she absorbed the unexpected news. 'She actually found the culprit?' she mused, a nervous sweat trickling down her temple.


With a resolve to read further, Navier delved into the contents of the letter...

[I happened to encounter the knight of Emperor Claude from the Obelian empire, and despite my initial reluctance, I found myself agreeing to take custody of the assassin on behalf of the emperor. I hope this action meets with your approval.

Furthermore, while the emperor appeared displeased, the assassin has been detained. Should you wish, you may visit and interrogate the man to uncover the truth you seek.

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