32: The Star of the Night: Athanasia

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One chapter for today because this chapter is already long :)

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One chapter for today because this chapter is already long :)

As the moment arrived, a hush fell over the grand hall, signaling the commencement of the long-awaited dance.

The air was charged with anticipation as couples stepped onto the polished marble floor, their elegant attire catching the glimmering light of chandeliers above.

The room was transformed into a tapestry of swirling gowns and refined movements, accompanied by the enchanting melodies of a live orchestra.

"Empress," Sovieshu's voice resonated through the grand hall, capturing Navier's attention.

Her gaze met his, curiosity knitting her brows together. With a graceful gesture, he extended his hand, an invitation conveyed through the simple act.

Navier's initial perplexity gave way to comprehension as she placed her hand upon his, reciprocating the unspoken invitation.

The strains of music filled the air, and the two of them embarked on a dance, their countenances composed and serene.

A soft, enigmatic smirk graced Sovieshu's lips, prompting a flicker of confusion within Navier. His voice, barely above a whisper, carried a sense of confident assertion as he spoke words meant for her ears alone.

"Who could have anticipated that the emperor would find himself crawling back to us?"

His statement held an air of assurance, spoken with a quiet intensity that concealed its meaning from the prying ears of others.

As he led her in a graceful twirl, Navier offered her response, her voice tinged with a hint of skepticism. "He merely invited us due to the occasion of the princess's birthday. I doubt there is any deeper significance to it."

Sovieshu's smile waned, replaced by a look of bewilderment, his expression conveying a mix of genuine confusion and lingering curiosity.

"Is that truly the case? If so, why us, above all others?"

"Because many influential nobles are in attendance. But you should remember that it would be unwise to utter such words openly amidst the crowd."

A slight furrow formed upon Sovieshu's brow, though he refrained from immediate response.

Their dance continued in silence, their movements a harmonious blend of elegance and precision.

Meanwhile, the Obelian emperor maintained his seated position upon the ornate throne, his legs crossed with an air of nonchalance.

His gaze swept across the dance floor, observing the noble couples engaged in rhythmic movement.

Felix, his lips curved in a subtle smile, approached Claude, offering a suggestion with a gentle tone. "Your majesty, would you care to dance with any of the noble ladies present?"

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