22: Letters in Disguise

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The empress directed her gaze towards the portrait that the diligent servants were carefully pinning to the wall, a subtle mixture of apprehension and anticipation filling her mind

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The empress directed her gaze towards the portrait that the diligent servants were carefully pinning to the wall, a subtle mixture of apprehension and anticipation filling her mind.

As her index finger lightly pressed against her chin in contemplation, she couldn't help but ponder the potential consequences of such a gift.

'Sovieshu will undoubtedly be informed of this unexpected gesture and may grow suspicious,' she mused silently, her thoughts swirling like a gentle breeze.

Lowering her gaze, Navier's eyes narrowed, and a furrow formed on her brow as she delved into deep contemplation.

Suddenly, a voice broke through the empress's reverie, causing her to turn her head and meet Laura's gaze with a questioning expression.

The urgency in her attendant's voice ignited a spark of curiosity within Navier, urging her to investigate further.

"Your Majesty!" Laura exclaimed, her tone filled with a mixture of concern and urgency, drawing the empress's attention to the figure of Sovieshu, who stood nearby with a serious expression etched upon his face.

Curiosity mingled with a hint of apprehension, Navier glanced at her husband over her shoulder, awaiting his inquiry.

"Navier, what is the meaning of this?" Sovieshu questioned sternly, his displeasure evident as his gaze lingered on the conspicuous portrait.

Unfazed by his disapproval, the empress met his gaze squarely, her eyes narrowing slightly as she maintained a calm composure. The weight of his questioning gaze seemed to bear down upon her, but she refused to waver.

"Someone has presented this portrait to me as a birthday gift," she replied evenly, her voice carrying a note of conviction as she braced herself for further interrogation.

Sovieshu's frown deepened, and he spoke with an air of firmness, demanding answers. "And who, precisely, is this 'someone'?"

Undeterred, Navier held her ground, meeting his intensity with her own unwavering resolve.

The gift was extravagant, and it made Sovieshu might assume it was from a potential admirer.

"A friend, a noble hailing from a different empire," she responded, her voice holding both seriousness and calm resolve.

"You're not being specific!"

"I have numerous noble acquaintances, your majesty. The sender's identity remains unknown, as they have chosen not to reveal themselves."

The emperor's frustration simmered beneath the surface, his impatience palpable.

"Then why do you insist on keeping it?"

"It would be disrespectful to reject a gift given with such thoughtfulness and care."

The attentive gazes of the servants seemed to intensify, capturing the weight of the moment.

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