35: Great Uncertainty

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Emperor Claude walked through the grand hallways of the palace, accompanied by his daughter whose small hand clung loosely to the fabric of his robe

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Emperor Claude walked through the grand hallways of the palace, accompanied by his daughter whose small hand clung loosely to the fabric of his robe.

Their footsteps resonated through the empty corridor, occasionally interrupted by maids who bowed respectfully as they passed by.

Despite the outward calm, Athanasia's nerves still fluttered within her. She couldn't shake off the lingering unease of being caught by her father, particularly since it was he who discovered her indulging in chocolate earlier that morning.

Her hand trembled slightly as she tried to maintain her composure.

Claude blinked, his gaze shifting downward to his daughter. He observed her attempts to appear composed, despite her lingering anxiety.

"How many chocolates have you eaten?" he asked, his tone even but expectant.

Athanasia's thoughts came to a halt at the question, her mind racing to provide an answer.

"Only one," she blurted out, her voice tinged with shame as she lowered her gaze.

She couldn't help but sweat profusely, sensing her father's scrutinizing gaze, as if he were trying to gauge the veracity of her words.

Claude blinked once more, his attention now drawn to the dress Athanasia wore.

The young princess' dress, tailored for her youthful frame, had a soft blush hue of the silk fabric and the layers of delicate tulle gave the dress a whimsical and graceful appeal. Intricate lace adorned the bodice, along with a Peter Pan collar.

His eyebrows furrowed slightly, indicating his curiosity.

"The dress you're wearing right now, is that a gift from someone?"

Athanasia mustered the courage to meet her father's gaze, her eyes of brilliant blue locking with his own.

She held her breath for a moment before answering his question.

"Yes, it's a gift from miss Navier. It fits me perfectly," she replied, her voice filled with a hint of pride, and her smile turned bright.

Claude's eyebrows arched ever so slightly in response to her answer. He turned his attention back to the path ahead, his expression unreadable.

"I see," he murmured, his tone neutral.

McKenna's weariness was evident as he cast a deadpan gaze at the prince, who had buried his head into the softness of a pillow

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McKenna's weariness was evident as he cast a deadpan gaze at the prince, who had buried his head into the softness of a pillow.

A weary sigh escaped his lips as he spoke, his tone reflecting his exhaustion. "What happened this time?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of exasperation.

The prince's voice was muffled by the pillow as he responded, "She went to the Obelian empire..."

McKenna's expression transformed into one of bewilderment and confusion. He couldn't fathom what could be wrong with such a visit.

"What? There's nothing wrong with that," he replied, his confusion evident. However, his eyes widened slightly as realization dawned on him.

"Your majesty, please tell me you didn't visit the Eastern palace and eavesdrop on one of the servants..."

Heinrey remained silent, pouting sadly as he turned his head away, still pressed against the soft pillow.

"Oh my stars," McKenna muttered, his frustration evident as he exhaled deeply and facepalmed. "That is a rather creepy thing to do."

"What? I didn't have any ill intentions!" Heinrey protested, swiftly sitting up straight with his feet resting on the plush couch.

McKenna maintained his deadpan expression and let out another weary sigh before turning around and walking away.

"Many nobles from other empires have sent you letters, congratulating you on your coronation," he mentioned, his voice carrying a note of importance. "You should take the time to read them."

The king slumped with disinterest, but a small spark of happiness flickered within him, knowing that Empress Navier had also sent her congratulations in a letter.

A week had passed since Sovieshu's unexpected proposition, and Rashta found herself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions

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A week had passed since Sovieshu's unexpected proposition, and Rashta found herself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions.

The weight of his words lingered in her mind, causing her eyes to widen in disbelief.

"Be my empress for a year," he had said, his declaration catching her completely off-guard.

"Pardon...?" she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. Her smile wavered, a delicate blend of shock and nervousness.

The gravity of the situation settled upon Rashta, and her hands trembled with fear.

The prospect of becoming an empress, even for just a year, was overwhelming. She felt woefully unprepared for such a significant role.

Sovieshu, however, maintained his serious demeanor, his expression dark and resolute. He sought to reassure her, understanding the weight of his request.

"It will only be for a year, so don't worry about it too much."

Brimming with curiosity and trepidation, Rashta mustered the courage to ask the question that gnawed at her.

"But why..." she trembled, her nervousness palpable. "...do you want me to spend a whole year...t-taking such an important role?!"

The emperor met his mistress' gaze, his calm demeanor unwavering. His answer, though unexpected, sent a shiver down Rashta's spine.

"Your child will become legitimate if you become my empress for a year," he revealed, his words piercing through the silence.

His answer sent shockwaves through her, challenging her preconceived notions.

The gravity of the situation began to sink in, mingling with her nerves and causing her palms to grow damp.

"If you can go through one year as my empress..." he continued, his hand gently enclosing her trembling ones, 'I promise you that I'll take care of you for the rest of your life."

Rashta's eyes widened further, her heart racing as she grappled with the weight of the offer before her.

It was a golden opportunity, one that could change her fate and secure her future.

However, doubt and apprehension crept into her thoughts. Could she rise to the occasion and become an exemplary empress? Could she sway the emperor's heart to extend her reign beyond a mere year?

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