11: South Palace

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Inside the guest room, Navier's gaze fell upon Emperor Claude, clad in a robe that revealed his sculpted physique, including his well-defined abs

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Inside the guest room, Navier's gaze fell upon Emperor Claude, clad in a robe that revealed his sculpted physique, including his well-defined abs.

The unexpected sight caused a subtle flush to grace her cheeks, a slight warmth emanating within her.

Her brow furrowed in mild bewilderment, a bead of sweat forming on her temple.

'Is it normal for him to be so at ease, wearing a robe in such an unguarded manner?'

The empress swiftly cleared her throat, determined to regain her composure despite the lingering effect of her initial surprise.

She averted her gaze, unsure of where to direct her attention amidst the unexpected sight.

"Emperor Claude," she began, her voice steady, "why have you summoned me to your chambers?"

Navier silently reassured herself, acknowledging that such casual attire must've been customary within the walls of his palace in Obelia.

Unfazed by the situation, Claude gracefully rose from the couch, his movements marked by a composed demeanor.

"I have decided to shorten my stay here in the Eastern Empire for a duration of three days," he declared, his voice carrying a confident yet composed tone.

Her eyebrows lifted in surprise, her curiosity piqued.

"I see. However, wouldn't it have been more appropriate to inform Emperor Sovieshu directly?"

Claude's own eyebrow raised at her remark, his hand gently resting against his chin in a thoughtful gesture.

"But it was you who extended the invitation to me, was it not?"

"Yes," she replied, her voice tinged with a mixture of resignation and contemplation. She briefly closed her eyes, gathering her thoughts, before opening them once more and placing a hand over her heart. "Although..."

"Although?" he repeated, his tone remaining unyielding as he leaned slightly closer, causing her to instinctively tilt her head backward in response.

A subtle furrow formed between her brows, signaling her confusion.

Meanwhile, Felix, standing nearby, maintained an impassive expression, his concern evident in his unwavering gaze.

'Is his majesty flirting with the empress...?'

Navier exhaled softly, a hint of resignation in her sigh, as she gracefully shook her head with a sense of acceptance.

The fleeting moment of tension dissipated, replaced by an air of understanding.

"I shall withdraw my previous statement. Very well, you may proceed with shortening your stay," she declared, her voice carrying a tone of finality.

Taking a few measured steps backward, she turned her gaze away from him with a composed posture.

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