23: Ink Unveiled

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With a demeanor of calm and poise, the empress crossed the threshold of her office, her gaze fixated upon the desk that awaited her attention

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With a demeanor of calm and poise, the empress crossed the threshold of her office, her gaze fixated upon the desk that awaited her attention.

Yet, beneath her composed facade, a flicker of uncertainty tugged at the corners of her expression, causing her brows to knit together ever so subtly.

Determined to confirm her suspicions, she approached the cabinet nestled behind her front desk, its purpose veiled in the shroud of secrecy.

With a delicate touch, she opened its doors, revealing a treasure trove of correspondence-a collection of letters exchanged with various nobles, including her enigmatic pen pal.

Her heart quickened as she retrieved a particular envelope containing the response from the Obelian emperor, a relic of their past New Year's Party.

Gently, she unsealed the envelope, her hands trembling with anticipation as she extracted the carefully crafted words from within.

Aligning the contents of the envelope with her existing collection of letters, she embarked upon the meticulous task of comparison.

Each word and stroke of the pen were scrutinized under her discerning gaze, her eyes widening with each revelation.

A sheen of perspiration formed upon her temple, betraying the intensity of her emotions.

"My pen pal is..." she whispered, her voice catching in her throat in disbelief.

The weight of realization settled upon her, rendering her momentarily speechless.

"...Emperor Claude?"

She uttered those words, her voice barely above a breath, as the truth unfurled before her.

A wave of disbelief washed over Navier, furrowing her brows even further as she grappled with the seemingly incongruous truth before her.

Her wide-eyed astonishment gradually gave way to a softer gaze, and her narrowed eyes reflected a mixture of complex emotions intertwining within her.

Confusion mingled with a hint of vulnerability as she struggled to reconcile her prior assumptions with this newfound revelation.

The memory of their past encounter surfaced, accompanied by a lingering sense of discomfort and tension.

'How could the Obelian emperor, whom I believed had found our interaction unpleasant, want to befriend me?'

The empress found herself caught amidst a tempest of conflicting emotions.

Immersed in a sea of conflicting thoughts and emotions, Navier's gaze lingered on the papers for a moment longer before she gently placed the first letter back down on the cabinet.

Uncertainty clouded her mind, leaving her torn between two paths, each leading to a different destination. A delicate sigh escaped her lips as she wrestled with the weight of her decision.

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