38: A Glimpse of the Past

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Within the confines of his opulent office, the weight of his decision settled heavily upon Emperor Sovieshu

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Within the confines of his opulent office, the weight of his decision settled heavily upon Emperor Sovieshu.

A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he pressed a hand to his forehead in exasperation, a gesture of weariness and self-reproach.

"I must look like such a fool," he whispered softly, the words carrying the weight of regret and self-doubt.

His loyal secretary, standing by his side, couldn't hide his concern as he voiced his reservations.

"Are you absolutely set on doing this, your majesty? May I suggest that you take some to think-"

"No," Sovieshu interjected with a resolute tone, his gaze fixed on the blank parchment before him, awaiting his words. "There is no time. That's why I have no choice."

As his hand hovered above the paper, clutching the quill, a moment of hesitation washed over him. The weight of the decision bore down on him, an internal struggle playing out within the confines of his conscience.

The quill descended, and the ink stained the pristine surface of the parchment, and the room was filled with the scratchy symphony of the quill dancing across the page.

The empress's brother pushed my mistress, who is pregnant with my child, causing her to fall on the ground. He also abducted and assaulted a nobleman in order to obtain information to use against her.

Furthermore, I recently discovered that he even hired a couple to claim to be my mistress's parents.

Since he continues to target my mistress and my unborn child even after being banished from the empire...as the emperor, I must take the necessary steps to protect them.

I have not been able to produce an heir for a long time due to the empress being infertile.

A heavy silence descended upon the room as Emperor Sovieshu's hand froze in mid-air, the quill lingering above the parchment.

His eyes gazed intently at the unfinished words, his features etched with a profound sadness that mirrored the weight upon his heart.

Therefore, I intend to file for divorce. I ask that you visit me as soon as possible, High Priest Vimrey.

Carefully sealing the envelope and pressing the emblem of the Eastern Empire upon it, Emperor Sovieshu entrusted the weighty missive to his secretary.

The weight of the decision he had made settled upon him, and he regarded his trusted companion with a mixture of determination and melancholy.

"I want you to deliver this to him in person," Sovieshu commanded, his voice carrying a hint of urgency and resolve.

The secretary's gaze met the emperor's, a sadness lingering within his eyes as he voiced his concerns.

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