31: The Star of the Evening: Athanasia (II)

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The princess stood gracefully beside Felix, her delicate fingers clutching his trousers in a gentle yet determined manner, seeking the comfort of his presence amidst the sea of noble guests

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The princess stood gracefully beside Felix, her delicate fingers clutching his trousers in a gentle yet determined manner, seeking the comfort of his presence amidst the sea of noble guests.

As they observed the gathering from a distance, a soft smile played on Felix's lips, while Athanasia couldn't help but feel a tinge of shyness wash over her.

The grandeur of the occasion and the presence of esteemed nobles made her acutely aware of her own unfamiliarity with such gatherings.

"Your highness, look," Felix gently interjected, drawing her attention to a group of children nearby, their laughter and playful antics filling the air. "Wouldn't you like to join them and partake in their merriment?"

Caught off guard by the suggestion, Athanasia mumbled in hesitation, her heart torn between her desire to join the other children and her apprehension.

"Ah, well..."

Just as she was about to gather the courage to approach them, a voice, sweet and melodious, reached her ears.

Her inquisitive gaze shifted towards the source, and her eyebrows arched slightly in surprise.

"Your highness!" greeted the little girl, her vibrant smile illuminating her face as she approached with a skip in her step, her hands casually tucked behind her back.

A blush adorned Athanasia's cheeks as she offered a timid response, her voice barely above a whisper.


"I am Florentia. Florentia Lombardy. I came to wish you a happy birthday," announced the girl, exuding warmth and excitement, her hand resting gently against her chest.

"Oh, thank you!" Athanasia exclaimed, her initial shyness momentarily forgotten, her gratitude evident in her wide-eyed astonishment.

With a graceful motion, Florentia produced a gift box, tilting her head ever so slightly. Her confident yet cheerful demeanor never wavered.

"This is my present," she declared, her words laced with a sense of pride and genuine generosity.

Stunned by the unexpected gesture, Athanasia blinked in disbelief before reaching out to accept the gift, her voice laced with sincerity, "Thank you for this thoughtful gift."

"You're most welcome!" Florentia replied with a beaming smile, her joy infectious.

The young princess then glanced up at Felix, who offered her a reassuring smile, encouraging her to embrace this budding friendship.

Understanding his unspoken signal, Athanasia mustered her courage and gently withdrew her hand from Felix's grasp, a soft and innocent smile gracing her lips.

"Would you like to be friends?" she asked in a gentle, hopeful tone, inwardly wondering if her directness might be too forward.

Florentia's surprise flickered momentarily, her gaze drifting to the extended hand before breaking into another radiant smile, accepting the invitation as she clasped Athanasia's hand in hers, her grip warm and friendly.

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