19: Two Birds

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Exhausted from the events of the day, the empress sank her bed, releasing a heavy sigh, the weariness etched into her features

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Exhausted from the events of the day, the empress sank her bed, releasing a heavy sigh, the weariness etched into her features.

'Today has been a long day...'

Her gaze wandered towards the window, her thoughts drifting to the approaching date of her birthday, which loomed just two days away.

A subtle flicker of concern crossed her countenance as she lowered her hand from her forehead, placing it gently at her side.

An unsettling thought took hold of her mind, causing her to press a finger to her lips in contemplation.

"I wonder what happened to Queen. Perhaps I have inadvertently offended him..." she pondered, her eyes widening with realization.

'Was he jealous because he thinks that I had grown close to another eagle?'

Navier released another weary sigh, recognizing the need to rectify the situation.

Determination settled in her gaze as she made a silent vow to make amends with Queen, to mend any rift that had formed between them.

Her ears perked up at the faint sound of wings flapping in the air, and her body instinctively straightened.

Swiftly, she rose from her bed, her eyes fixated on the window leading to the balcony.

"Psyche," she uttered softly, her voice tinged with disbelief and astonishment.

Her eyes widened further as she beheld the sight before her.


There, on the balcony, Queen stood, his fierce gaze locked upon the female bird beside him.

Unfazed by his glare, the female bird paid no heed, her attention drawn elsewhere.

Queen's eyes then drifted downward, focusing on a letter nestled beneath the weight of his talon.

A dark cloud seemed to descend upon Queen's features as his expression hardened, his brow arching in a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

The window swung open, and Navier's voice carried through the air, calling out to both birds, drawing Queen's attention to the empress herself.

Navier's gaze locked with Queen's as a soft smile graced her lips.

With tenderness in her touch, she caressed the bird's head, its eyes sparkling in response.

Internally, Queen felt a sense of relief and joy, grateful for the continued attention and affection from the empress.

"Psyche," Navier spoke, her voice filled with warmth and familiarity.

The male eagle's expression returned to a neutral state, casting a glance towards the other bird in the room.

Navier's smile persisted as she gently stroked Psyche's head before delicately retrieving the letter from its claws.

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