That Night with Jihyo - Part 1

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[WARNING: This story contains mature content]

She said that I would enjoy it.

I didn't need to worry about anything. She said it was called benefit. That's it! Period. That was totally normal.
Apparently, some of the members have done it too. It already became a public secret among them.
"We do it just because we need it, Ju. We can't help it," she talked again.
"But we need to continue being professional on the outside. Less needs means less problems, right?" She smirked. I was just listening to her quietly. She was really convincing.
Or maybe, she was right after all.....
Now I'm here. In the middle of the night. In front of her room door. Not brave enough to knock.
"I'm here to make you feel at ease about it. To teach you. So can blend with us..." That was the last sentence I remembered from her. I guess that's what leads me to her room right now.

Knock knock knock...
I knock on the door. "Shit, no answer!" I whisper to myself.
Knock knock knock...
Still no answer.
Knock knock knock...

Ugh, why is this feeling so intense?! I'm thinking about leaving when suddenly the door is opened. Jihyo's head comes out, completed with her bright big eyes and a wide smile. The expression that makes you feel peace everytime you see it.
"Good evening, Haeju," She says, half whispering,  "come in!" I hear her clearly.
I just..... can't move my body. Not until she finally grabs my arm and pulls me in.

"Were you sleeping?" I ask.
"Hehe... Yes, I was. But I'm a light sleeper so it's not hard to wake me up. Umm.... Right?"
"Ah yes...."
"And, of course, I have prepared myself for you. Don't worry," Jihyo says as she makes me sit beside her.
"Mm... yes, you smell so nice, to be honest," I say. Since the beginning, I have always smelled a unique fragrant from Jihyo. I'm not sure what it is, but my guess is it's a kind of fruit.
"You too, Ju," she says, "and I like when your long hair is still wet like this. You look sexy... did you just take a shower?"
"Umm... Yes, I did..." I reply.
"Wait, I almost forgot your coffee!" She stands up and passes me a cup of coffee from across the room.
"Here... You don't wanna feel asleep later, right?" She smiles. Again! That kind of smile that's so addictive to see over and over again.
"Y.. Yes..." I try to focus again.
"I think it's warm enough for you to drink right away. I hope it's not cold yet."
I slowly take a sip of it. "Oh, it's perfect!"
She responds me with that sweet smile again.
"Drink it up! I will change my clothes first. I'm not comfortable in these pajamas."Jihyo walks to the cupboard to find a cloth. I don't pay attention to her until I look her only in a black bra. She chooses a white transparent shirt to cover it up. Now I can see how beautiful her white skin is compared to the plain white of her shirt. Her long straight brown hair looks so smooth that gently covers up her breasts. I almost chocked when she changes her pants to a short one. I decide to finish my drink in one shot instead of looking at it.

My heart is beating so fast.....

Jihyo comes to sit besides me again. "Is it your first time, Ju?"
"Yes," I answer shyly.
"Have you ever watched a video of it?"
"Uhh yes, I did. But it was a long time ago. I don't quite remember...."
"Haha, that's fine... That's why I'm here," she reaches my neck with her left hand. I feel warm, almost afraid for a second. But again, looking at her makes me feel at ease.
"Do you know what my first thought was when I saw you, Ju?" Jihyo asks. I can't answer her question as she slowly approaches me and gives a quick peck on my lips.

...the first kiss I've ever had in my life.

"Close your eyes, dear."

(to be continued)

Twice's 10th Member HaejuWhere stories live. Discover now