My First Mafia Game - Part 10

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"I'm sorry I can't....." I drop the knife on the floor.

Jeongyeon takes and puts it back on my hand "Nothing is real, Haeju. This is just a dream. Trust me!!!"

I scream as I pull my hand back. "I get it! I'm just.... I can't."

"Why??!" Jeongyeon sounds frustrated.

"This all looks so real, Jeongyeon. It's impossible for me to kill you, you know?! Even in a dream!" I yell at her. My eyes are warm. I feel the tears flow on my cheeks.

"Ahhh, I can't believe it.... You even stopped me when I tried to kill myself."

"Of course! I can't let you die, Jeongyeon."

"Then what do you want? Trap in this nightmare forever??" Jeongyeon yells at me back. The thunder covers her voice. I look at the window near us. It's dark, but from the sound, we know that the storm hasn't stopped yet. "The storm won't stop, Haeju," she says. I'm surprised because it's like she can read my mind. "You are surprised that I can read your mind, right?" She says again. "Sigh.... Anyway, I know you can't kill me or let me kill myself. I can't kill you because it will just make you lost in this dream. You will be asleep forever! 

......But I guess I know another way to wake you up."

"Really? What is it, Jeongyeon?? Hurry, tell me!"

"Actually there are two ideas that I'm thinking right now. But I hope the first one works because the other solution is kinda ambiguous. Umm... Okay, answer my question. We know you are sleeping, right? So what do you think is happening to you in real life right now?"

"I'm..... Laying on my bed?"

"What else?"

"I'm staying still...... I'm breathing........ Ah, I close my eyes! So are you suggesting that I should close my eyes here?"

"Exactly! After you close your eyes here then..."

"....I shall open my eyes in real life."


"I understand. Let me hold your hands," I say as I grab her hands and look at her face. Jeongyeon smiles to comfort me. I close my eyes slowly. I close them tighter, tighter, and tighter until I feel numb. Everything is dark now. I can't hear anything anymore. Then I open them again.......

"Haeju, are you okay?"

I close my eyes again so tight, then open it again. I try it several times. But still............

"It doesn't work, Ju. It's okay, stop it now," she says hopelessly. Jeongyeon feels disappointed. "Haah... I knew it. I think it's because you are in a really deep sleep right now. Like I said before, maybe you are in a coma. Anyway, that's fine. I still have one last way to wake you up," Jeongyeon holds my hand firmly and whispers to my ears.

"My biggest fear?" I ask them after she tells her second idea.

"Yes, Haeju. This is your nightmare, remember? So in this dream, something that you are really afraid of is happening right now. If we can figure that out, I think we can find out how to solve it. If the problem is solved, then your dream will end as well. Also, that can make you fully aware that this is just a dream. If this plan works, it will be great!" Jeongyeon explains to me.

I look at her as I'm thinking. What is my biggest fear? I'm trying to remember what was going on tonight. Momo was angry.... I doubt everyone while playing mafia.... Mina and Sana killed herself.... Tzuyu stabbed Jihyo to death...... Everyone died one by one in front me.....


Jeongyeon is surprised that suddenly I'm chuckling by myself. "Wha... What is it?"

"Hehe.... I get it now, Jeongyeon." I say as I wipe my hair and lift my heads up. The storm is suddenly stopped as I think about it. I close the door that's far from us with my mind. I start to control my dream! A tear comes out from the edge of my right eyes. "My biggest fear is.......

...Losing Twice."

"Losing.... Us?"

I turn my face to look at her. I smile widely. "Yes."

"But why? Why are you feeling that? Why does it bother you this much that makes you dream about it??"

"Hmm.... Why you ask?" Now that I'm fully aware that this is a dream, I try to bring everyone's back to life. With the sound of the storm that starts again, zombie-like Twice members appear behind Jeongyeon. Momo.... Chaeyoung.... Dahyun..... Mina..... Nayeon..... Sana..... Jihyo..... And Tzuyu......  Those faces that I've killed miserably. In this dark dorm, only flashes of lightning from the outside that can illuminate them, makes them even look scarier. Now all of them come back to life, even though they look so soulless. Jeongyeon looks terrified to see that. "I.... I'm the only one left.... Is this my turn to die, Hae.... Haeju?"

I don't answer her question. Instead, I take a candle out of nowhere and light it up, put it between me and her. "You may have noticed it now, Jeongyeon. Yes, I'm controlling them. And as you said earlier, the key to beat this nightmare is to find out what my fear is. I've realized it....." I wipe my tears before it reaches my chin. "Now let me tell you one honest story. It's about the real me. The real Haeju......"

Jeongyeon looks confused. But fear makes her open her mouth unconsciously. "This is not what I imagine when I said that I hoped you fully-aware with your dream, Ju....." The other members are circling her slowly. She looks at their dead faces. Jeongyeon, the bravest member of Twice, hides her face out of fear, by her very own friends. I guess I would be scared too if I'm in her position right now. Ahhh, I'm the one who is scary anyway...........

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