Love Station

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Twice is traveling by train today.
This is my first time.
When we're waiting for the train to come, Jihyo who sits beside me, asks what I'm doing with my phone.

"I... I'm writing a poem, Jihyo," I answer her hesitantly.
"Oh! May I see it? Has it finished?"
I talk as I hand her my phone, "Yes, umm, sure..."

by a.h.

Don't worry to enjoy your ice cream!
Or wait for a train
Because there will always be one

...for you

In the love station


"So, this is your poem collection??" she asks excitingly after complimenting one that she just read.
"Sort of."
"May I read them?"
"Pleaase?" she insists.

by a.h.

Doesn't matter how much I deny it
I can't help but enjoy it
The lightning blasting outside the window
I hope the storm isn't stopping soon

Where there is love, there will be someone crying
Don't worry tho, nobody will see your tears under the rain
And it glues us, keeps us close
Gives us more reasons to heat up each other

And you're asking why it's warmer under the storm...

When it's raining outside, we can't escape
Are we suffering? Yes, my dear
But in this middle of this storm
This is where we found love

by a.h.

I liked it when you called my name

With that disappointment
A little bit of anger in your tone
Thank you for asking how I felt

It was so bitter of you
So sweet
Can you call me again sometime?

Keep your feelings hidden from me


Thanks for the coffee every morning

I liked it when you sat next to me
I liked it when you were you...


It's really shaking inside the train.
I'm kinda scared because of it, but I'm more nervous with Jihyo exploring my secret poems.
"You're so quiet since we're in the station!" Jeongyeon rebukes as Jihyo's still busy reading on my phone.
She looks up at Jeongyeon. Smiles. Sudden changes in her expression. As if Jihyo's swimming back up to the surface of the ocean of her consciousness. "Hehe no.., I'm just reading this, uhh-" she looks at me to confirm if she may tell to Jeongyeon or not. I glare. "-nn... Nothing important, Jeongyeon."
"Well, can you help me check out the maknaes, please?" Jeongyeon says, "They need something, I don't know what. I'm still helping Momo with her luggage."
"Yeah yeah, sure!" Jihyo answers.

She waits until Jeongyeon leaves out of our site.
Then she continues reading.

by a.h.

He was born without anybody's plan
Out of guilt and desperation
He was raised with hatred and discrimination
But that was when he learned about love

He wanted people not to be afraid with compassion
"Life is already painful, don't make it worse!" he said
He was able to be caring without feeling insecure

And loved us
with more responsible

by a.h.

I look up at the sky

Twice's 10th Member HaejuWhere stories live. Discover now